The Department of Physics offers bachelor's, master's and doctoral study of Applied physics and prepares future specialists in this field; it also provides lectures in physics to all technical faculties of VSB-TUO. Research activities of the staff of the Department of Physics concentrate on four major areas: nuclear physics, magnetism, optics, and machining.
Specialists in nuclear physics study namely spreading of radioactive material in the environment and transmutation of elements by neutron radiation. Specialists aimed at magnetism investigate magnetic properties of materials by AFM-MFM, magneto-optical, and vibrating sample methods and attempt to improve them for specific purposes. Specialists in optics target fibre optics and search for new ways of construction of sensors for both scientific and commercial applications. Specialist in materials machining attempt to improve and intensify abrasive waterjet action on materials, analysing physical consequences of various changes in the jet – material interaction processes caused by modification of input parameters and factors.
Basic and applied research aimed at physical or interdisciplinary problems is only possible thanks to the successful grant applications at research agencies or participation in government and corporate projects. An important issue is the practical applicability of research results, so the department members and senior students take part in solving of specific tasks at industrial companies, which are also potential employers of the graduates. All the academics together are prepared to solve many problems of contemporary society in medicine, transportation, energy saving, safety and security, precision machining, etc.