An overview of faculty bilateral agreements can be found in the KATIS information system, and an overview of all agreements can be found on the university website.
On the website of the selected university, check which courses are offered to foreign students or in which language they are taught, as English is not commonly used everywhere. Read the admission requirements of the foreign university carefully, especially the deadlines.
Apply by the announced deadline for the Academic Year (usually September and February) using the EDISON information system. As part of the selection procedure, you must provide a certificate of language proficiency at the level required by your chosen university.
Once you have successfully completed the selection procedure, you will draw up a study plan at the foreign university (Learning Agreement) in EDISON. If you are unable to find the course in the course database in IS Edison, send the course information (course code, title in English, title in local language, proposal for translation into Czech and ECTS credits) to and the course will be added to the database. You will also enter the courses that, by taking them abroad, will replace the courses from your personal study plan (PSP) in Table B of the Learning Agreement. You should choose courses that are as close as possible to the courses in your major/programme. The number of credits earned while studying abroad should be similar to the number of credits earned at VSB-TUO, i.e., 30 credits per semester.
You will be informed via IS EDISON when to deliver the printed Learning Agreement with the signature of the field supervisor to the study department (the supervisor's signature confirms the study plan and the substituted courses, the supervisor can also approve it directly in IS EDISON). Together with the Learning Agreement you will also deliver other documents required by the foreign university. The Study Department will arrange for the signature of the Vice Dean for Studies on the Learning Agreement and send it to the foreign university.
The faculty contribution (scholarship) for study/work stays abroad is CZK 3,000 – 7,000 for each month of stay in the form of an extraordinary scholarship (based on a financial agreement). You can also apply for an accommodation scholarship if you are studying during the standard period of study (Bachelor – 3 years, Master – 2 years). The faculty also awards scholarships for successfully completed mobility.
Recognition of courses is handled by the faculty as follows: all successfully completed courses listed on the Transcipt of Records will be recognized (courses must be listed on the Learning Agreement or Changes at the same time). Courses will be recognised with the indicated number of ECTS credits as electives, except for courses that replace one of the compulsory or compulsory elective PSP courses.