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Evropská unie

Code Solver Title
101167834 Černý Martin prof. Ing., Ph.D. European Doctoral Network for Resilient Remote Healthcare using Intelligent Sensing and Communication Technologies
101139789 Šimoník Petr doc. Ing., Ph.D. Hardware Abstraction Layer for a European Software Defined Vehicle approach (HAL4SDV)
Snášel Václav prof. RNDr., CSc. Indo-Pacific-European Hub for Digital Partnerships: Trusted Digital Technologies for Sustainable Well-Being
Juchelková Dagmar prof. Ing., Ph.D. 4A4PEDs
Štolfa Jakub Ing., Ph.D. Boosting Resilience In five industrial ecosystems through adoption and Deployment of advanced technoloGiEs among SMEs (BRIDGESMEs)
Pumera Martin prof. RNDr., Ph.D. Electrochemical interfacial engineering of metal organic frame work towards aluminium solid state batteries
101100707 Šimoník Petr doc. Ing., Ph.D. AI-MATTERS (AI MAnufacturing Testing and experimenTation network For EuRopean industrieS)
Štěpanec Libor Ing., Ph.D. CovEring the trAining Gap in digitaL skills for European SMEs manpowEr

Grantová agentura ČR

Code Solver Title
GF22-34873K Krömer Pavel prof. Ing., Ph.D. Constrained Multiobjective Optimization based on Problem Landscape Analysis

Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu

Code Solver Title
CZ.01.01.01/01/22_002/0000905 Prauzek Michal prof. Ing., Ph.D. Research and development of predictive diagnostics of rolling stock components
EI22_002/0000448 Nedoma Jan doc. Ing., Ph.D. Innovation of deformation monitoring in a borehole in a rock massif using a fiber optic technology
EI22_002/0000483 Hájovský Radovan doc. Ing., Ph.D. Development of a complex IoT-based high-temperature wireless monitoring system for a demanding environment affected by the consequences of mining activity.
EI22_002/0000494 Penhaker Marek prof. Ing., Ph.D. Non-invasive online patient monitoring with artificial intelligence
EI22_002/0000629 Bilík Petr prof. Ing., Ph.D. Shapemeter
EI22_002/0000784 Augustynek Martin prof. Ing., Ph.D. Development of a system for biometric feedback diagnosis of psychological difficulties of an individual and their reduction by self-therapy
Továrek Jaromír Ing., Ph.D. Innovative critical infrastructure line protection system (ISOV)
EI22_002/0000887 Martinek Radek prof. Ing., Ph.D. Use of pulsed excitation technique for non-destructive testing of elastic material properties
Koziorek Jiří prof. Ing., Ph.D. Innovation of modular illuminator for industrial camera systems

Ministerstvo vnitra

Code Solver Title
VJ02010037 Kvarčák Miloš doc. Dr. Ing. Monitoring the position of IRS members even during an intervention in large buildings using elements of artificial intelligence
VJ01010008 Vozňák Miroslav prof. Ing., Ph.D. Network Cybersecurity in Post-Quantum Era

Moravskoslezský kraj

Code Solver Title
04051/2023/RRC Snášel Václav prof. RNDr., CSc. Application of Artificial Intelligence and Swarm Optimization for Enhanced Production of Green Hydrogen

Technologická agentura

Code Solver Title
TQ16000082 Bilík Petr prof. Ing., Ph.D. AI-controlled roll straightening systems & processes
FW12010121 Nedoma Jan doc. Ing., Ph.D. MR support system for the diagnosis of diseases of the organs of the abdominal cavity and the heart for patients with limited cooperation
CL02000128 Vozňák Miroslav prof. Ing., Ph.D. Expert system for remote monitoring of road workplaces using IoT and advanced image processing technology
TQ15000023 Hercík Radim Ing., Ph.D. Data acquisition system for predictive diagnostics using industrial 5G network
TQ06000003 Koziorek Jiří prof. Ing., Ph.D. ENergy HArvestiNg CollEctors for Urban ROad PavEment
FW10010454 Sawa Zdeněk doc. Ing., Ph.D. APS for production with flexible resources and processes
FW10010003 Goňo Radomír prof. Ing., Ph.D. Control system for the use of lower capacity batteries from BEVs for RES energy storage
FW10010117 Partila Pavol Ing., Ph.D. Support system for evaluation of perioperative radiographs of resected breast tissue
FW11020137 Platoš Jan prof. Ing., Ph.D. Automatic optimization of paint robot trajectories with regard to transfer efficiency, spray homogeneity and paint cycle length
FW10010287 Hájovský Radovan doc. Ing., Ph.D. KITR - Comprehensive Transceiver Module Innovation for Wireless Mesh Networks and Global Competitiveness
TM05000053 Hercík Radim Ing., Ph.D. Green Urban Mobility Eco System (GUMES)
TQ03000390 Nedoma Jan doc. Ing., Ph.D. A universal shaft solution for utility network penetrations for structures based above ground with a ventilated gap
TN02000028 Palacký Petr prof. Ing., Ph.D. Center for Advanced Machines and Manufacturing Technology (CAMAT)
FW06010498 Martinek Radek prof. Ing., Ph.D. MR Relaxometry of Basal Ganglia Damage in Newborns With Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
TH83030001 Koziorek Jiří prof. Ing., Ph.D. Highly flexible and modular PCM based thermal energy storage system for efficient heating and cooling applications in the built environment
FW06010157 Látal Jan Ing., Ph.D. Research and development of innovative device for railway car wheels diagnostics
FW08010042 Michalek Libor Ing., Ph.D. Museum in XR using 5G