Code | Title | Start year | End year |
TQ06000003 | ENergy HArvestiNg CollEctors for Urban ROad PavEment | 2024 | 2027 |
FW10010454 | APS for production with flexible resources and processes | 2024 | 2026 |
FW10010003 | Control system for the use of lower capacity batteries from BEVs for RES energy storage | 2024 | 2026 |
FW10010117 | Support system for evaluation of perioperative radiographs of resected breast tissue | 2024 | 2026 |
FW11020137 | Automatic optimization of paint robot trajectories with regard to transfer efficiency, spray homogeneity and paint cycle length | 2024 | 2026 |
FW10010287 | KITR - Comprehensive Transceiver Module Innovation for Wireless Mesh Networks and Global Competitiveness | 2024 | 2025 |
TM05000053 | Green Urban Mobility Eco System (GUMES) | 2024 | 2025 |
TQ03000390 | A universal shaft solution for utility network penetrations for structures based above ground with a ventilated gap | 2024 | 2025 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
101100707 | AI-MATTERS (AI MAnufacturing Testing and experimenTation network For EuRopean industrieS) | 2023 | 2027 |
CovEring the trAining Gap in digitaL skills for European SMEs manpowEr | 2023 | 2025 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
VC20232024015 | Expansion of the Open Source Communicator functionality including video conference security (OSK II) | 2023 | 2024 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
04051/2023/RRC | Application of Artificial Intelligence and Swarm Optimization for Enhanced Production of Green Hydrogen | 2023 | 2026 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
TN02000028 | Center for Advanced Machines and Manufacturing Technology (CAMAT) | 2023 | 2028 |
FW06010498 | MR Relaxometry of Basal Ganglia Damage in Newborns With Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy | 2023 | 2027 |
TH83030001 | Highly flexible and modular PCM based thermal energy storage system for efficient heating and cooling applications in the built environment | 2023 | 2026 |
FW06010157 | Research and development of innovative device for railway car wheels diagnostics | 2023 | 2025 |
FW08010042 | Museum in XR using 5G | 2023 | 2025 |
TIRSERU226 | Development of a tool for national monitoring of the wholesale energy market | 2023 | 2024 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GF22-34873K | Constrained Multiobjective Optimization based on Problem Landscape Analysis | 2022 | 2025 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
VJ02010037 | Monitoring the position of IRS members even during an intervention in large buildings using elements of artificial intelligence | 2022 | 2025 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GA21-05339S | Structural and Physical Aspects of Inverse Heusler Alloys Mn2FeZ, Z = Si, Al, Sn | 2021 | 2023 |
GF21-33574K | Life-long Machine Learning on Data Streams | 2021 | 2023 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
VJ01010008 | Network Cybersecurity in Post-Quantum Era | 2021 | 2025 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
856670 | GeoUS (Geothermal Energy in Special Underground Structures) | 2020 | 2022 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
CK01000098 | The unique fiber-optic sensor for detecting rail vehicles | 2020 | 2023 |
CK01000139 | A system for predicting the development of traffic flow dynamics based on a deep neural network | 2020 | 2023 |
TL03000240 | Diagnostic system for attitude measurement based on psychological distance testing with a use of evolution algorithms | 2020 | 2023 |
FW01010103 | Robotic experimental workplace for accurate evaluation of product quality | 2020 | 2022 |
TK03010091 | The Impact of cybersecurity on regulated areas of smart metering | 2020 | 2021 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
VI20192022171 | Utilisation of radiation based methods for detection and identification of CBRNE materials | 2019 | 2022 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GA18-23891S | Hyperintensional Reasoning over Natural Language Texts | 2018 | 2020 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
TH03010468 | Integrovaný aktivní monitorovací systém pro pacienty s externími kardiostimulátory | 2018 | 2021 |
TH03030023 | The System for automated monitoring and modeling of groundwater pollution from non-point industrial sources (SAMMWAP) | 2018 | 2021 |
TK01020162 | Development of the method for accelerated ageing of passive photonic components with orientation to plants with higher degree of ionizing radiation | 2018 | 2021 |
TK01020178 | Development and testing of hybrid cables, hermetic cable bushings and modules for nuclear energetics | 2018 | 2021 |
TL01000302 | Medical devices development as an effective investment for public and private entities | 2018 | 2021 |
TL01000335 | Utilization of epidemiological data drawn from social science HBSC research study on healthy lifestyle by entities in the area of application | 2018 | 2021 |
TF04000049 | Smart cushion pin 4.0 | 2018 | 2019 |
TH03010424 | Vývoj zařízení pro vzdálené ověření správné funkce externích kardiostimulátorů | 2018 | 2019 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GA17-03037S | Investment evaluation of medical decvices development | 2017 | 2019 |
GA17-22615S | Time reversal ultrasonic signal processing used in nondestructive evaluation of materials and structures | 2017 | 2019 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
VI20172020067 | Inteligentní technické textilie pro zvýšení bezpečnosti kritických infrastruktur | 2017 | 2020 |
VI20172020079 | Secure Gateway for the Internet of Things (SIoT) | 2017 | 2020 |
VI20172019071 | Analysis of visibility of transport infrastructure for safety increasing during night, sunrise and sunset | 2017 | 2019 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
686782 - PACMAN | Prognostics And Computer Aided Maintenance — PACMAN | 2016 | 2020 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GJ16-25694Y | Multi-paradigm data mining algorithms based on information retrieval, fuzzy, and bio-inspired methods | 2016 | 2018 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
Augmented Reality LAB (ARL) | 2016 | 2017 | |
Kolokační centrum pro výzkum řídicích, informačních a komunikačních technologií pro Průmysl 4.0 | 2016 | 2017 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
TD03000452 | Limits of data from mobile sites in statistical surveys of Czech statistical office | 2016 | 2017 |
TB0500MD011 | Specific method of passenger handling and number of transported passengers | 2016 | 2016 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GA15-06700S | Nekonvenční řízení komplexních systémů | 2015 | 2017 |
GA15-13277S | Hyperintensional logic for natural language analysis | 2015 | 2017 |
GA15-13784S | Computational complexity of selected verification problems | 2015 | 2017 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
VI20152020008 | Complex security of critical infrastructures and objects solved with fiber optical sensors with usage of modern information systems | 2015 | 2020 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
TF01000091 | Security of Mobile Devices and Communication | 2015 | 2017 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
TE02000103 | Center for Intelligent Drives and Advanced Machine Control CIDAM | 2014 | 2019 |
TA04021263 | Intelligent modules for communications and lightning | 2014 | 2017 |
TA04021687 | Research and development of a heater of steam-air mixture for the Flexible Energy System | 2014 | 2017 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
13-08195S | Highly Scalable Parallel and Distributed Methods of Data Processing in E-science | 2013 | 2015 |
13-11091S | Unconventional methods of complex systems control | 2013 | 2015 |
GA13-08195S | Vysoce škálovatelné paralelní a distribuované metody zpracování vědeckých dat | 2013 | 2015 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
TA03020439 | Bezpečnost optických přenosových sítí a vývoj opt. součástek pro silovou energetiku a energovody | 2013 | 2016 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
TE01020197 | Centrum aplikované kybernetiky 3 | 2012 | 2019 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GAP202/11/0340 | Modeling and verification of parallel systems | 2011 | 2014 |
GPP202/11/P142 | Optimization and parallelization of compression methods | 2011 | 2013 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
TA01010632 | SCADA systém pro řízení a monitorování procesů v reálném čase | 2011 | 2013 |
TA01020282 | Zvyšování ochrany životního prostředí ve vazbě na výskyt endogenních požárů důlních odvalů a skládek průmyslových odpadů, včetně jejich modelování a predikce šíření | 2011 | 2013 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GAP201/10/0887 | Discrete dynamical systems | 2010 | 2014 |
GAP202/10/0573 | Handling XML Data in Heterogeneous and Dynamic Environments | 2010 | 2012 |
GAP202/10/0573 | Zpracování XML dat v heterogenních a dynamických postředích | 2010 | 2012 |
GAP401/10/0792 | Temporální aspekty znalostí a informací | 2010 | 2012 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
VG20102015053 | Novel structures of photonic sensors ans new inovative principles for detection of system integration intrusion and protection of critical infrastructures - GUARDSENSE | 2010 | 2015 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
00182/2010 | Škola matematického modelování | 2010 | 2010 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GA102/09/1842 | Reliable Electric Power Network with Connected Alternative Power Sources | 2009 | 2013 |
GD103/09/H078 | Počítačová a experimentální analýza stavebních materiálů a jejich vícevrstvých systémů | 2009 | 2012 |
GD401/09/H007 | Logické základy sémantiky | 2009 | 2012 |
102/09/0550 | Studium optických svazků pro atmosférické statické a mobilní komunikace | 2009 | 2011 |
205/09/1079 | Metody umělé inteligence v GIS | 2009 | 2011 |
GA102/09/1003 | Modelování vysokoteplotních výměníků tepla a využití modelů pro optimální regulaci výměníků | 2009 | 2011 |
GA102/09/1494 | Desription and Substantiationon of the Project | 2009 | 2011 |
GA102/09/1986 | Research of disturbing influences from artifical public lighting | 2009 | 2011 |
GP101/09/P601 | Adaptation of scalable FETI based algorithms for the solution of large scale 3D elasticity engineering problems with large number of bodies in contact | 2009 | 2011 |
GP102/09/P665 | Aktivní výkonové filtry s měkkým spínáním | 2009 | 2011 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
00276/2009 | Škola matematického modelování | 2009 | 2009 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GA101/08/0574 | Solution to very complex contact problems with other non-linearities by modern mathematical methods | 2008 | 2012 |
GA102/08/0775 | New structures and algorithms of mobile hybrid systems | 2008 | 2010 |
GA102/08/1429 | Safety and security of networked embedded system applications | 2008 | 2010 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GA201/07/0294 | Qualitative analysis of contact problems with friction and asymptotically optimal algorithms for their solution | 2007 | 2011 |
GA102/07/1399 | Quasi single-mode optical fibers for telecommunications and distributed fiber optic sensors | 2007 | 2009 |
GA401/07/0451 | Semantisation of pragmatics | 2007 | 2009 |
GAČR 401/07/0451 | Semantisation of pragmatics | 2007 | 2009 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
201/06/P113 | Methods for Efficient Searching in Large Collections of Semi-structured Data | 2006 | 2008 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
201/05/P008 | Development of adaptive multi-level methods for 3-dimensional optimal topology and shape design in electromagnetism | 2005 | 2007 |
GA101/05/0423 | Finite element analysis and solution to multiple non-linear problems in mechanics of solids | 2005 | 2007 |
GA102/05/2080 | Research on applications of artificial intelligence in the control of electrical drives | 2005 | 2007 |
GA201/05/0050 | Structural properties and algorithmic complexity of discrete problems | 2005 | 2007 |
GA201/05/0079 | Formal concept analysis of indeterminate and large data: theory, methods, and applications | 2005 | 2007 |
GP201/05/P008 | Development of adaptive multi-level methods for 3-dimensional optimal topology and shape design in electromagnetism | 2005 | 2007 |
GP201/05/P145 | Special data compression methods | 2005 | 2007 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GA101/04/1145 | Development and implementation of scalable numerical methods for solving physically realistic models of contact problems with friction in 2D and 3D | 2004 | 2006 |
GA102/04/0737 | Modern methods of digital system synthesis | 2004 | 2006 |
GA401/04/2073 | Transparent Intensional Logic (a systematic exposition) | 2004 | 2006 |
GP102/04/P090 | Research of sensorless A.C. electrical drives with permanent magnet synchronous motor | 2004 | 2006 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GD401/03/H047 | Logical foundations of semantics and knowledge representation | 2003 | 2006 |
GA102/03/1162 | Implementation of the expert system for lighting the spaces of higher visual | 2003 | 2005 |
GA102/03/1539 | The research of new methods of solving the reliability of electric distribution systems with regard to asset management planning | 2003 | 2005 |
GA102/03/1551 | Power quality in distribution network in liberalised electricity market | 2003 | 2005 |
GA201/03/0671 | Qualitative and numerical analysis of nonlinear differential equations | 2003 | 2005 |
GA201/03/1161 | Verification of infinite-state systems | 2003 | 2005 |
GA401/03/1403 | Principles of Logical Analysis of Language Expressions and Intensional Logic | 2003 | 2004 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GP201/02/D102 | Fictitious domain methods in shape optimization | 2002 | 2005 |
GA101/02/0072 | Analysis and solution of selected nonlinear problems of elasticity by the finite element method | 2002 | 2004 |
GA201/02/0125 | Sequential and parallel parsing, translation and semantics | 2002 | 2004 |
GA201/02/1456 | Specialized computational models in contemporary computer science | 2002 | 2004 |
GP102/02/P016 | TheFformation and Analysis of the Failure and Planned Outage Databases for Reliability Evaluation of Electrical Power Devices | 2002 | 2004 |
GA102/02/1044 | Research of properties of AC drives powered by soft switching converters | 2002 | 2003 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GA101/01/0538 | Development and implementation of parallel algorithms for 3D contact problems with friction and contact shape optimization | 2001 | 2003 |
GA102/01/1531 | Formal approaches in digital circuit diagnostics - testable design verification | 2001 | 2003 |
GA103/01/0400 | Effective numerical methods for analysis of layered materials and structures | 2001 | 2003 |
GA201/01/1192 | Research of neural networks capability to provide nonlinear Boolean factor analysis | 2001 | 2003 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GA102/00/D023 | Research of modern control methods for A.C. drives with the help of new digital signal processors | 2000 | 2003 |
GA201/00/0376 | Non-linear boundary value problems-existence and multiplicity results bifurcations | 2000 | 2002 |
GA201/00/0400 | Infinite state concurrent systems - models and verification | 2000 | 2002 |
GA201/00/1031 | Intelligent retrieval in document information systems | 2000 | 2002 |
GA102/00/0193 | Development of active power filters | 2000 | 2001 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GA102/99/0665 | Research and development of technical tools based on virtual instrumentation for monitoring and analysis of interference in power networks | 1999 | 2001 |
GA102/99/1000 | Keeping the quality of an electric power with an accrual of disturbing influences level in distribution networks | 1999 | 2001 |
GA102/99/1158 | Examination of methods of evaluating the reliability of electric high-voltage switch gears | 1999 | 2001 |
GA102/99/1365 | The research of methods determining the comfort of interiors | 1999 | 2001 |
GA105/99/1229 | Supercomputing and shape optimization in geomechanics | 1999 | 2001 |
GA201/99/0236 | Formal and software tools for study of languages | 1999 | 2001 |
GA102/99/0926 | A design of an expert system for optimizing lighting system | 1999 | 2000 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GA101/98/0535 | Development and application of efficient algorithms for contact problems and contract shape optimization in engineering | 1998 | 2000 |
GA102/98/1003 | Research and application of built-in self test equipment in integrated circuits | 1998 | 2000 |
GA201/98/1451 | Special graph, hypergraph and algorithmic structures | 1998 | 2000 |
GA205/98/1233 | Wavelet - analysis and interpretation of the geophysical data | 1998 | 2000 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GA201/97/0395 | Topological and variational methods for nonlinear boundary value problems | 1997 | 1999 |
GA201/97/0421 | Adaptive precision control of the solution of auxiliary problems in quadratic programming | 1997 | 1999 |
GA201/97/0456 | Algorithmic verification boundaries for infinite-state systems | 1997 | 1999 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GA102/96/1433 | Research of the reliability of electric distribution plants | 1996 | 1998 |
GA201/96/0195 | Automata for separation of syntactically correct from syntactically incorret structures | 1996 | 1998 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GA102/95/1091 | The measures for the living environment protection connected with harmonics and voltage fluctuation increase during the iron works modernization | 1995 | 1997 |
GA105/95/1273 | Mathematical modelling in geomechanics: solution of large3D problems | 1995 | 1997 |
GA102/95/1074 | Development and implementation of modern control methods of high dynamic performance A.C. drives | 1995 | 1996 |
Code | Title | Start year | End year |
GA101/94/1853 | Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Evaluation of Stress and Strain of Bodies in Contact | 1994 | 1996 |