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The Journal Club is a form of gathering of students, academics and professionals from research centres that is common in many foreign higher education institutions and research centres. The main aim is to discuss recent research and articles in particular fields, which promotes the development of critical thinking, presentation and argumentation. The Journal Club involves students taking it in turns to present and discuss selected articles or research papers, and includes guests from industry, research institutions and universities. Discussion focuses on critical analysis and comparison with other research, which encourages diversity of topics and multidisciplinary collaboration.

The main contributions of the Journal Club to the PhD study can be summarized as follows: 

Promoting collaboration and discussion - students and teachers discuss and share their experiences, opinions and information together. This can lead to future joint solutions to a problem and develop collaboration across disciplines. The discussion particularly helps students to think critically about their own research projects and their applicability, both research and practical. 

Developing critical thinking and reasoning skills - a key skill for success in academia, but also in other scientific research positions (e.g. scientific institutions in corporate firms, project management positions, etc.). Students learn to critically evaluate and analyze scientific articles or research papers. 

Preparing for publications and conferences - Journal Club discussions, presentations, and critical analysis help students hone their presentation skills and their ability to defend their scholarly research projects. 

Keeping up to date with current trends, research and development - thanks to the Journal Club, students and all participants have the opportunity to keep up to date with the latest trends and innovative discoveries in their respective fields. This is a key element for successful completion of doctoral studies and future careers.

FEI JOURNAL CLUB XV (19 March, 9:00, EC3 auditorium)

The 15th FEI Journal Club will be hosted by Professor Carlos Marques, who is based at CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials, University of Aveiro, and works in the Optical Sensing and Devices group.
The topic of the talk will be "Advancing Optical Sensors: from Robotics to Biomedical Applications - Latest Research at CICECO/UA".

Program of the meeting

  • The talk will focus on advanced optical sensors and their applications in robotics, aerospace and biomedicine.
  • It will cover the advantages of optical fibers and materials in sensor development, including their flexibility, high sensitivity and resistance to electromagnetic interference.
  • Key challenges in sensor integration, real-time data processing and adaptation to different environments will be discussed.
  • Practical examples will be given, including robotically assisted medical diagnostics, structural monitoring in aviation and optical sensors for food quality assessment.

Attendees will have the opportunity to ask any questions of interest.


FEI JOURNAL CLUB XIV (19 February 2025)

The guest speaker for the 14th FEI Journal Club was Professor Heikki Kälviäinen, who is based at LUT University in Finland and works in the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Laboratory (CVPRL).

The topic of the talk was "Computer Vision Research at LUT CVPR Laboratory".

The program of the meeting:

  • The talk focused on computer vision and machine learning, with emphasis on their application potential.
  • Digital image processing and analysis using machine learning methods for various data-driven engineering solutions was presented.
  • Key challenges such as imbalanced datasets, domain matching, active learning, open set classification, and metric similarity learning were discussed.
  • Specific real-world examples were given, including automated plankton recognition, individual animal identification, log measurement systems for the timber industry, traffic sign condition analysis, and medical analysis of diabetic retinopathy.

Attendees had the opportunity to be inspired and ask questions that interested them!


FEI JOURNAL CLUB XIII (3 December 2024, 4:00 pm, FEI Dean's Office)

You are cordially invited to the thirteenth meeting of the FEI Journal Club, entitled "On Science and Research over Good Wine with the Dean and Vice-Deans", which will take place on Tuesday, 3 December at 4 pm at the FEI Dean's Office.

The agenda of the meeting:

  • Recap of previous Journal Clubs - looking back at the past year.
  • Informal discussion of scientific publications, patents and results in Module 1 and 2.

The event is open to all academics, R&D staff and PhD students of our faculty.


FEI JOURNAL CLUB XII (5 November 2024)

The guest of the twelfth FEI Journal Club was Ing. Hana Martiníková, Ph.D., specialist in intellectual property protection from the Technology Transfer Centre.

The topic of the lecture was "Patents step by step.

Program of the meeting

  • Participants learned what invention protection is, why it is important and how to contribute to the preparation of the description of the invention, formulation of claims and preparation of technical documentation.
  • The lecture helped participants prepare for working with patent professionals, understand the key stages of the patent process and learn how to avoid the most common mistakes when preparing documents for invention protection.

Participants had the opportunity to get inspired and ask questions about anything they were interested in!

Presentation (pdf)



The guest speaker was Dr. Swagatam Das, who is a distinguished professor at the Indian Statistical Institute and specializes in deep learning and non-convex optimization. He has published more than 400 research papers and serves as the founding co-editor of the journal Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. Dr. Das has received a number of prestigious awards, including the 2015 Thomson Reuters Research Excellence Award for significant contributions to engineering and computer science in India.
 The topic of the talk was "Publishing in Top-tier Venues in an Era of AI and LLMs".

Attendees had the opportunity to get inspired and ask anything they were interested in!

Attachment (pdf)


FEI JOURNAL CLUB X. (8 October 2024)

Guests of the tenth FEI Journal Club were Mgr. Tomáš Inspektor, Ph.D., Head of the Science, Research and Education Support Department, and Ing. Robert Šamárek from the Department of Strategic Analyses of the Vice-Rectorate of R&D.

The topic of the lecture was "Bibliometrics and evaluation of scientific performance.

In the lecture the audience learned:

  • what bibliometrics is, what it is used for and how it can be used,
  • introduced basic bibliometric data, such as impact factor, AIS or SJR, and discussed their advantages and disadvantages,
  • we introduced the methodology for evaluating science and research based on these data,
  • we introduced the functions of the Science and Research Portal, which presents some bibliometric indicators of journals and R&D outputs of our university.

Participants had the opportunity to get inspired and ask anything they were interested in!


FEI JOURNAL CLUB IX. (25. 6. 2024)

The guest speaker at the ninth FEI Journal Club was Dr. Muhammet Deveci, Senior Research Fellow and Visiting Professor at the prestigious Imperial College London.

The topic of the talk was "Fostering Research Excellence: strategies for publishing in WoS Q1 and Q2 journals."

The agenda of the meeting was:

  • Participants had the unique opportunity to hear tips and tricks on how to publish articles in Q1 and Q2 journals. Dr. Deveci presented the rules for writing articles and his talk provided invaluable insights from an editor's perspective.
  • Dr. Muhammet DEVECİ was one of the top 2% of AI researchers in the world for 2023 and had extensive experience publishing in prestigious journals including IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles; Q1, IF:8.2; IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence; Q1, IF:5.3; Information Sciences (Elsevier); Q1, IF:8. 1; Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier); Q1, IF:8.7; Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier); Q1, IF:8.0; Artificial Intelligence Review (Springer); Q1, IF:12.0; Neural Computing and Applications (Springer); Q1, IF:6.0; Granular Computing; (Springer); IF:5.5. This event was open to all academics, research staff, and PhD students of our faculty.

Participants had the opportunity to get inspired and ask anything they were interested in!

Presentation (pdf)



The FEI Journal Club hosted one of the world's leading researchers in the field of artificial intelligence and optimization, Prof. Seyedali Mirjalili from Torrens University Australia.
The topic of the talk was "From Passion to Promotion: Harnessing the Power of Research for Maximum Impact.".

Meeting Program:

  • You had the unique opportunity to hear different approaches to research promotion, which plays a vital role in realizing the impact of all research, from one of the world's most cited scientists.
  • Professor Seyedali Mirjalili founded the Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research and Optimisation in 2019 and is currently Professor of Artificial Intelligence at Torrens University in Australia. He is internationally recognized for his advances in optimization and swarm intelligence, including the first set of algorithms in terms of synthetic intelligence, and a systematic design framework for reliably comparing, evaluating, and designing computationally inexpensive robust optimization algorithms.
  • Prof. Mirjalili has published more than 500 papers with more than 80,000 citations and an H-index of 95. As of 2019, he has been ranked in the top 1% of highly cited researchers for three consecutive years and has been named one of the most influential researchers in the world by Web of Science. In 2021, The Australian named him the top researcher in Australia in three fields: Artificial Intelligence, Evolutionary Computation and Fuzzy Systems. He is also a senior member of the IEEE and an associate editor of several AI journals, including Neuro computing, Applied Soft Computing, Advances in Engineering Software, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Healthcare Analytics, Applied Intelligence, and IEEE Access.
  • His research interests include optimization, swarm intelligence, evolutionary algorithms, and machine learning. More information about the professor can be found on his website:

How to make research more visible (pptx)


FEI JOURNAL CLUB VII (29 April 2024)

Journal Club VII was held in an informal spirit on the topic "About science and research over a beer with the Dean and Vice-Deans" in the Rector's Lounge in the Aula, VŠB-TUO.

The program of the meeting was:

  • to have an informal chat with the Dean Prof. Jan Platoš, the Vice-Dean for Science and Research Prof. Radek Martink, and the Vice-Dean for Cooperation with Industry Assoc. Petr Šimoník.

FEI JOURNAL CLUB VI. (26 March 2024)

The agenda of the meeting was on the theme of study, science and research:

  • Participation of the Vice-Rector for Studies Ing. Zdeňka Chmelíková, Ph.D., who answered questions about bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies in a moderated discussion
  • insight into the PhD Academy of VŠB-TUO

PhD AKADEMIE - presentation (pdf)


FEI JOURNAL CLUB V. (13 February 2024)

The topic of the meeting was the outcomes of the Module 1 and 2 assessments according to the 2017+ Methodology.

Meeting Agenda:

  • Summary of faculty outcomes of the 2022 assessment see attached presentation below, i.e. MODULE 1 - assessment of selected outcomes and MODULE 2 - bibliometric analyses (Biblio disciplines, Biblio VO, Biblio WoS-Cats).
  • a short training session on entering results into the OBD system

Evaluation of research organisations and evaluation of programmes of targeted support for research, development and innovation according to the M17+ Evaluation 2022 Methodology (ppt)


FEI JOURNAL CLUB IV (23 January 2024)

The theme of the meeting was the second run of presentations by the faculty's professional (research) groups.

Each group presented in the form of:

  • who makes up the group
  • what it does, what it researches or develops
  • what are its latest results and future prospects

Individual presentations can be viewed here:


FEI JOURNAL CLUB III (18 December 2023)

The theme of the meeting was the presentation of the professional (research) groups of the faculty.

Each group presented in the form of:

  • who makes up the group
  • what they do, what they are researching or developing
  • what are its latest results and future prospects

Individual presentations can be viewed here:

  • Department of Electrical Power Engineering
    • Electricity generation and use (Goňo)
    • Electrical Machinery and Apparatus (Kačor)
    • Transmission and distribution of electric power (Rusek)
  • Department of Telecommunication Engineering
    • Optical Communications and Sensors (Čubík)
    • Department of Mobile and Radio Communications (Michálek)
    • Network Technologies and Applications (Vozňák)
  • Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
    • Industrial Automation and Control Computers (Koziorek)
    • Biomedical Engineering (Penhaker)
    • Measurement, Testing and Sensors (Bilík)
  • Department of Computer Science
    • Data Analysis and Processing (Platoš)
  • Department of Applied Mathematics
    • Mathematical Analysis and Discrete Mathematics (Bouchala)
    • Applied Probability and Statistics (Briš)
    • Numerical Analysis and HPC (Lukáš)
  • Department of Physics
    • Applied Nuclear Physics Group (Alexa)
    • Optical Diagnostics Group (Hlubina)
    • Magnetic Properties of Materials (Životský)
  • Advanced Nanorobots & Multiscale Robotics Lab (Pumera)

FEI JOURNAL CLUB II. (31 October 2023)

This time the topic was a lecture entitled "How to publish results with high international impact", prepared by Prof. RNDr. Martin Pumera, Ph.D.

Prof. RNDr. Martin Pumera, Ph.D. is the head of the Advances Nanorobots and Multiscale Robotics Laboratory and focuses primarily on nanomaterials and nanorobot research. He has written more than 600 papers in indexed journals, is one of the most cited scientists in the world, and was the most cited Czech scientist in 2019.

He received his PhD from Charles University in Prague and then worked as a researcher in a number of countries including the USA, Spain and Japan. In 2010, he was awarded an ERC Starting Grant and accepted a professorship at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.


FEI JOURNAL CLUB I. (31. 3. 2023)

The theme of the first meeting of the FEI Journal Club was: 

  • Presentation of the Journal Club experience at the Medical University of Vienna. Pavol Szomolányi, Ph.D.
  • Presentation/ demonstration of the Journal Club, critical analysis of a scientific publication by a student of the PhD program in Cybernetics on the topic "Using Artificial Intelligence for Quantitative MRI Data".
  • Materials for the discussion can be found here