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In addition to the Dean, the Scientific Council and the Disciplinary Board of the Faculty, the Academic Senate of the Faculty is one of its autonomous academic bodies. The Academic Senate of FEECS consists of the academic chamber representing the academic staff (e.g. professors, associate professors) and the student chamber representing the students (of all study programmes). Members of the Academic Senate are elected from the ranks of the Faculty’s academic community by its members. The academic community consists of academic staff members working at FEECS and students of FEECS. The term of office of the Senate is three years.

Membership in the Senate is not allowed for the Rector, Vice-Rectors, Dean, Vice-Deans, and Heads of Departments.

The Academic Senate acts in accordance with the Higher Education Act and, e.g.,

  • Decides on the proposal for the appointment of the Dean, or proposes her/his removal from office
  • Approves the draft internal regulations of the faculty
  • Approves the distribution of the Faculty’s financial resources submitted by the Dean and oversees their use
  • Approves the admission requirements of study programmes offered by the faculty
  • Approves the long-term strategy of the faculty’s education, scientific, research and development activities prepared in compliance with the university’s long-term strategy and approved by the Faculty Scientific Council
  • Expresses its opinion on the study programmes realized at the faculty

The primary purpose of the student chamber is to defend students’ requests, comments and suggestions and to improve the quality of education at the Faculty.

Minutes from the meetings of the Academic Senate (minutes of the FEECS AS have been available at INNET since the academic year 2015/16).

Tentative schedule of the meetings of the Academic senate of FEECS in the academic year 2024/2025 is: 15.10.2024, 19.11.2024, 10.12.2024, 21.1.2025, 18.2.2025, 18.3.2025, 15.4.2025, 13.5.2025, and 10.6.2025.

Employee Chamber

doc. Mgr. Petr Kovář, Ph.D.

Chairman of the Academic Senate of the Faculty

Ing. Radoslav Fasuga, Ph.D.

Vice-Chairman of the Academic Senate of the Faculty

Tobias Janča

Vice-Chairman of the Academic Senate of the Faculty and Chairman of the Student Chamber of the Academic Senate

Ing. Markéta Vašinková

Secretary of the Academic Senate of the Faculty

Employee Chamber

Student Chamber