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Přehled článků, knih, příspěvků ve sbornících konferencí a dalších výsledků věda a výzkumu za posledních 5 let, které jsou evidovány v univerzitní databázi.


KUBESA, Michael a Tom RAIMAN. Factorizations of complete graphs into tadpoles. AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics. Krishnankoil: Kalasalingam University, 2020, 2020(17), s. 924-934. ISSN 0972-8600. [Detail]
KRUŽÍK, Jakub, David HORÁK, Martin ČERMÁK, Lukáš POSPÍŠIL a Marek PECHA. Active set expansion strategies in MPRGP algorithm. Advances in Engineering Software. San Diego: Elsevier, 2020, 149(11), s. nestránkováno. ISSN 0965-9978. [Detail]
FOLTYN, Ladislav, Dalibor LUKÁŠ a Ivo PETEREK. Domain decomposition methods coupled with parareal for the transient heat equation in 1 and 2 spatial dimensions. Applications of Mathematics. Praha: Matematický ústav AV ČR, 2020, 65(2), s. 173-190. ISSN 0862-7940. [Detail]
BÉREŠ, Michal. A comparison of approaches for the construction of reduced basis for stochastic Galerkin matrix equations. Applications of Mathematics. Praha: Matematický ústav AV ČR, 2020, 65(2), s. 191-225. ISSN 0862-7940. [Detail]
BLAHETA, Radim, Michal BÉREŠ, Simona DOMESOVÁ a David HORÁK. Bayesian inversion for steady flow in fractured porous media with contact on fractures and hydro-mechanical coupling. Computational Geosciences. Springer, 2020, 2020(FEB 2020), s. nestránkováno. ISSN 1420-0597. [Detail]
DUY, Nguyen Tuan a Huy Bac NGUYEN. CYLINDRICAL HARDY INEQUALITIES ON HALF-SPACES. Electronic journal of differential equations. San Marcos: Texas State University, 2020, 2020(75), s. 1-12. ISSN 1072-6691. [Detail]
DANĚČEK, Josef a Eugen VISZUS. HÖLDER CONTINUITY FOR VECTOR-VALUED MINIMIZERS OF QUADRATIC FUNCTIONALS. Electronic journal of differential equations. Texas State University, 2020, 2020(69), s. 1-19. ISSN 1072-6691. [Detail]
PEKAŘ, L., R. MATUŠŮ, J. ANDRLA a Martina LITSCHMANNOVÁ. Review of Kalah Game research and the proposition of a novel heuristic-deterministic algorithm compared to tree-search solutions and human decision-making. Informatics. Basilej: MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2020, 7(3), s. nestránkováno. ISSN 2227-9709. [Detail]
THACH, Thanh Tien, Radim BRIŠ, P. VOLF a F.P.A. COOLEN. Non-linear failure rate: A Bayes study using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo simulation. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. Elsevier, 2020, 123(August 2020), s. 55-76. ISSN 0888-613X. [Detail]
JALŮVKA, František, Peter I. IHNÁT, Juraj MAĎARIČ, Adéla VRTKOVÁ, Jaroslav JANOŠEK a Václav PROCHÁZKA. Current status of cell-based therapy in patients with critical limb ischemia. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Basilej: Multidisciplinary digital publishing institute, 2020, 21(23), s. 1-15. ISSN 1661-6596. [Detail]
THACH, Thanh Tien a Radim BRIŠ. Improved new modified Weibull distribution: A Bayes study using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo simulation. Journal of Risk and Reliability. Londýn: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2020, 234(3), s. 496-511. ISSN 1748-006X. [Detail]
FERFECKI, Petr, Marek KONEČNÝ, Michal MOLČAN a Jaroslav ZAPOMĚL. Numerical Simulation and Experimental Analysis of the Magnetic Damping Effect Generated by a Moving Magnet. Manufacturing Technology. Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně, 2020, 20(6), s. 714-719. ISSN 1213-2489. [Detail]
LUKÁŠ, Dalibor, Günther OF, Jan ZAPLETAL a Jiří BOUCHALA. A boundary element method for homogenization of periodic structures. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. New York: Wiley, 2020, 43(3), s. 1035-1052. ISSN 0170-4214. [Detail]
LAMPART, Marek a Alžběta LAMPARTOVÁ. Chaos control and anti-control of the heterogeneous cournot oligopoly model. Mathematics. Basilej: MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2020, 8(10), s. 1-13. ISSN 2227-7390. [Detail]
JONSZTA, Tomáš, Daniel CZERNÝ, Václav PROCHÁZKA, Adéla VRTKOVÁ, Vendelín CHOVANEC a Antonín KRAJINA. Computed Tomography (CT)-Navigated Translumbar Hemodialysis Catheters: A 10-Year Single-Center Experience. Medical Science Monitor. Melville: International Scientific Information, 2020, 26(15.12.2020), s. nestránkováno. ISSN 1234-1010. [Detail]
LAMPART, Marek a Jaroslav ZAPOMĚL. Dynamics of a non-autonomous double pendulum model forced by biharmonic excitation with soft stops. Nonlinear Dynamics. Vídeň: Springer, 2020, 99(3), s. 1909-1921. ISSN 0924-090X. [Detail]
KRUŽÍK, Jakub, David HORÁK, Václav HAPLA a Martin ČERMÁK. Comparison of selected FETI coarse space projector implementation strategies. Parallel computing. San Diego: Elsevier, 2020, 93(5), s. nestránkováno. ISSN 0167-8191. [Detail]
VAN DE STEEN, Cyril, Malika BENHENNI, René KALUS, Rajko ĆOSIĆ, Florent Xavier GADÉA a Mohammed YOUSFI. Relaxation of electronic excitations in Kr2+ ions in cold krypton plasma. Plasma Sources Science and Technology. IOP Publishing, 2020, 29(2), s. nestránkováno. ISSN 0963-0252. [Detail]
PETER, Lukáš, Stanislav POLZER, Jan KRACÍK, Martin ČERNÝ a Norbert NOURY. Mathematical model based on shape of pulse wave measured at single spot for non-invasive prediction of blood pressure. Processes. MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2020, 8(4), s. 1-14. ISSN 2227-9717. [Detail]
BUCHLOVSKÁ NAGYOVÁ, Judita, Branislav JANSÍK a Marek LAMPART. Detection of embedded dynamics in the Györgyi-Field model. Scientific Reports. Nature Publishing Group, 2020, 10(1), s. 21030. ISSN 2045-2322. [Detail]
CRISCI, Serena, Jakub KRUŽÍK, Marek PECHA a David HORÁK. Comparison of active-set and gradient projection-based algorithms for box-constrained quadratic programming. Soft computing. Vídeň: Springer, 2020, 24(23), s. nestránkováno. ISSN 1432-7643. [Detail]
KHISMATULLIN, Rafael R, Chandrasekaran NAGASWAMI, Asia Z SHAKIROVA, Adéla VRTKOVÁ, Václav PROCHÁZKA, Jaromir GUMULEC, Jiri MACAK, Rustem I LITVINOV a John W WEISEL. Quantitative Morphology of Cerebral Thrombi Related to Intravital Contraction and Clinical Features of Ischemic Stroke. Stroke. Filadelfie: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2020, 51(12), s. 3640-3650. ISSN 0039-2499. [Detail]
POSPÍŠIL, Lukáš, Martin ČERMÁK, David HORÁK a Jakub KRUŽÍK. Non-monotone projected gradient method in linear elasticity contact problems with given friction. Sustainability. Basilej: MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2020, 12(20), s. 1-11. ISSN 2071-1050. [Detail]
POWELL, M.K., D. CEMPIRKOVA, P. DUNDR, T. GRIMMICHOVA, F. TREBICKY, R. BROWN, J. GREGOROVA, Martina LITSCHMANNOVÁ, Kateřina JANUROVÁ, M. PESTA a P. HENEBERG. Metformin Treatment for Diabetes Mellitus Correlates with Progression and Survival in Colorectal Carcinoma. Translational Oncology. San Diego: Elsevier, 2020, 13(2), s. 383-392. ISSN 1936-5233. [Detail]
ČERMÁK, Martin, Stanislav SYSALA a Jan VALDMAN. Efficient and flexible MATLAB implementation of 2D and 3D elastoplastic problems. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION. SAN DIEGO: Elsevier, 2019, 355(1), s. 595-614. ISSN 0096-3003. [Detail]
KRAVČENKO, Michal, Michal MERTA a Jan ZAPLETAL. Distributed fast boundary element methods for Helmholtz problems. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION. Elsevier, 2019, 362(1 December 2019), s. 1-15. ISSN 0096-3003. [Detail]
TOMČALA, Jiří, Jan PAPUGA, David HORÁK, Václav HAPLA, Marek PECHA a Martin ČERMÁK. Steps to increase practical applicability of PragTic software. Advances in Engineering Software. Elsevier, 2019, 129(1), s. 57-68. ISSN 0965-9978. [Detail]
JOR, O., T. VYMAZAL, O. KLEMENTOVÁ, L. ZACH, J. ČAPKOVÁ, T. PAŘÍZEK, M. PAULINY, K. BEZDĚK, Martina LITSCHMANNOVÁ, J. MÁCA, P. ŠEVČÍK, J. FIRMENT a V. ČERNÝ. Léčba hypotenze po úvodu do celkové anestezie-multicentrická dotazníková studie. Anesteziologie a intenzivní medicína. Praha: Česká lékařská společnost J.E. Purkyně, 2019, 30(3-4), s. 119-125. ISSN 1214-2158. [Detail]
DOHR, Stefan, Jan ZAPLETAL, Gunther OF, Michal MERTA a Michal KRAVČENKO. A parallel space-time boundary element method for the heat equation. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2019, 78(9), s. 2852-2866. ISSN 0898-1221. [Detail]
ZAPLETAL, Jan a Jiří BOUCHALA. Shape optimization and subdivision surface based approach to solving 3D Bernoulli problems. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2019, 78(9), s. 2911-2932. ISSN 0898-1221. [Detail]
DAO, Nguyen Anh, Nguyen Thi Ngoc HANH, Tran Minh HIEU a Huy Bac NGUYEN. INTERPOLATION INEQUALITIES BETWEEN LORENTZ SPACE AND BMO: THE ENDPOINT CASE (L-1,L- infinity, BMO). Electronic journal of differential equations. Texas: Texas State University, 2019, 2019(56), s. 1-4. ISSN 1072-6691. [Detail]
DOSTÁL, Zdeněk, Oldřich VLACH a Tomáš BRZOBOHATÝ. Scalable TFETI based algorithm with adaptive augmentation for contact problems with variationally consistent discretization of contact conditions. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. San Diego: Elsevier, 2019, 156(APR 2019), s. 34-43. ISSN 0168-874X. [Detail]
ŘÍHA, Lubomír, Michal MERTA, Radim VAVŘÍK, Tomáš BRZOBOHATÝ, Alexandros MARKOPOULOS, Ondřej MECA, Ondřej VYSOCKÝ, Tomáš KOZUBEK a Vít VONDRÁK. A massively parallel and memory-efficient FEM toolbox with a hybrid total FETI solver with accelerator support. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. SAGE Publications Ltd, 2019, 33(19.9.2018), s. 660-677. ISSN 1094-3420. [Detail]
AXELSSON, Owe a Dalibor LUKÁŠ. Preconditioning methods for eddy-current optimally controlled time-harmonic electromagnetic problems. Journal of Numerical Mathematics. Berlín: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2019, 27(1), s. 1-21. ISSN 1570-2820. [Detail]
LAMPART, Marek a Tomáš MARTINOVIČ. Chaotic behavior of the CML model with respect to the state and coupling parameters. Journal of mathematical chemistry. Vídeň: Springer, 2019, 57(6), s. 1670-1681. ISSN 0259-9791. [Detail]
KRPELÍK, Daniel, Richard DVORSKÝ, Pavel MANČÍK, Jiří BEDNÁŘ a Ladislav SVOBODA. - Mathematical Modelling of Lamellar Aggregation of Dispersed Globular Nanoparticles nC(60) on the Interface Upon Sublimation of Water Molecules from Rapid Frozen Dispersion. Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Valencia: American Scientific Publishers, 2019, 19(5), s. 2671-2677. ISSN 1533-4880. [Detail]
LAMPART, Marek a Jaroslav ZAPOMĚL. The motion characteristics of the double-pendulum system with skew walls. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. New York: Wiley, 2019, 42(2), s. 475-487. ISBN 0-000-00000-0. [Detail]
VAN DE STEEN, Cyril, Malika BENHENNI, René KALUS, Rajko ĆOSIĆ, Silvie ILLÉSOVÁ, Florent Xavier GADEA a Mohammed YOUSFI. Calculations of cross-sections, dissociation rate constants and transport coefficients of Xe-2(+) colliding with Xe. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. London: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019, 21(13), s. 7029-7038. ISSN 1463-9076. [Detail]
VAN DE STEEN, Cyril, Malika BENHENNI, René KALUS, Rajko ĆOSIĆ, Silvie ILLÉSOVÁ, Florent Xavier GADEA a Mohammed YOUSFI. Cross-sections, transport coefficients and dissociation rate constants for Kr-2(+) molecular ion interacting with Kr. Plasma Sources Science and Technology. Bristol: IOP Publishing, 2019, 28(3), s. nestránkováno. ISSN 0963-0252. [Detail]
VAN DE STEEN, Cyril, Malika BENHENNI, René KALUS, Rajko ĆOSIĆ, Florent Xavier GADEA a Mohammed YOUSFI. Mobility and dissociation of electronically excited Kr-2(+) ions in cold krypton plasma. Plasma Sources Science and Technology. Bristol: IOP Publishing, 2019, 28(9), s. nestránkováno. ISSN 0963-0252. [Detail]
ŠARMANOVÁ, Martina, Aleš VÍTEK, Rajko ĆOSIĆ a René KALUS. Photoabsorption markers of pressure-induced phase changes in small mercury clusters. A case study on Hg8. RSC Advances. London: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019, 9(64), s. 37258-37266. ISSN 2046-2069. [Detail]
FOLTYN, Jan, Antonino PROTO, David OCZKA, Radek HALFAR, Tomáš KLINKOVSKÝ, Lukaš SKOLOUDIK, Michal CERNY, Viktor CHROBOK, Aleš RYŠKA, Věra RADOCHOVA, Martina LITSCHMANNOVÁ, Marek PENHAKER a Jan MEJZLIK. Evaluation of an Electro-Pneumatic Device for Artificial Capillary Pulse Generation used in a Prospective Study in Animals for Surgical Neck Wound Healing. Scientific Reports. Londýn: Nature Publishing Group, 2019, 9(2019), s. nestránkováno. ISSN 2045-2322. [Detail]
DANĚČEK, Josef a Eugen VISZUS. On Morrey and BMO Regularity for Gradients of Minima of Certain Non-Differentiable Functionals. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANALYSIS UND IHRE ANWENDUNGEN. ZURICH: EUROPEAN MATHEMATICAL SOC, 2019, 38(3), s. 329-349. ISSN 0232-2064. [Detail]
JONSZTA, Tomáš, Daniel CZERNÝ, Václav PROCHÁZKA, František JALŮVKA, Adéla VRTKOVÁ, Vendelín CHOVANEC a Antonín KRAJINA. Translumbální hemodialyzační katétry. Česká radiologie = Czech Radiology. Praha: Česká lékařská společnost J.E. Purkyně, 2019, 73(4), s. 209-219. ISSN 1210-7883. [Detail]
SOJKA, Radim, David HORÁK, Václav HAPLA a Martin ČERMÁK. The impact of enabling multiple subdomains per MPI process in the TFETI domain decomposition method. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION. SAN DIEGO: Elsevier, 2018, 319(FEB 15 2018), s. 586-597. ISSN 0096-3003. [Detail]
MALÝ, Lukáš, Jan ZAPLETAL, Michal MERTA, Lubomír ŘÍHA a Vít VONDRÁK. Evaluation of the Intel Xeon Phi offload runtimes for domain decomposition solvers. Advances in Engineering Software. SAN DIEGO: Elsevier, 2018, 125(November 2018), s. 146-154. ISSN 0965-9978. [Detail]
BLAHETA, Radim, Michal BÉREŠ, Simona DOMESOVÁ a Pengzhi PAN. A comparison of deterministic and Bayesian inverse with application in micromechanics. Applications of Mathematics. Praha: Matematický ústav AV ČR, 2018, 63(6), s. 665-686. ISSN 0862-7940. [Detail]
ĆOSIĆ, Rajko, Karlický FRANTIŠEK a René KALUS. Photoabsorption spectra of small HeN clusters (N=3,4,10). A quantum Monte Carlo modeling. Chemical Physics Letters. Elsevier Science, 2018, 700(May), s. 96-101. ISSN 0009-2614. [Detail]
KUMARASWAMY, M., A. CHOWDHURY, M. GERNDT, Z. BENDIFALLAH, O. BOUIZI, U. LOCANS, Lubomír ŘÍHA, Ondřej VYSOCKÝ, Martin BESEDA a Jan ZAPLETAL. Domain knowledge specification for energy tuning. Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience. Wiley, 2018, 31(6), s. e4650. ISSN 1532-0626. [Detail]
ZAPLETAL, Jan, Günther OF a Michal MERTA. Parallel and vectorized implementation of analytic evaluation of boundary integral operators. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. SAN DIEGO: Elsevier, 2018, 96(November 2018), s. 194-208. ISSN 0955-7997. [Detail]
KRACÍK, Jan a Bohumír STRNADEL. A statistical model for lifespan prediction of large steel structures. Engineering Structures. SAN DIEGO: Elsevier, 2018, 176(1 December 2018), s. 20-27. ISSN 0141-0296. [Detail]
PŘIBYLOVÁ, Lenka. Použití bootstrapových metod pro srovnání způsobů léčby kritické končetinové ischemie. Informační bulletin České statistické společnosti. 2018, 29(2), s. 13-21. ISSN 1210-8022. [Detail]
DOSTÁL, Zdeněk a Lukáš POSPÍŠIL. Conjugate gradients for symmetric positive semidefinite least-squares problems. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis, 2018, 95(11), s. 2229-2239. ISSN 1029-0265. [Detail]
LAMPART, Marek, Tomáš VANTUCH, Ivan ZELINKA a Stanislav MIŠÁK. Dynamical properties of partial-discharge patterns. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems. Taylor & Francis, 2018, 33(5), s. 1-16. ISSN 1744-5760. [Detail]
JOND, Hossein B., Vasif V. NABIYEV, Nurhan G. OZMEN a Dalibor LUKÁŠ. EXISTENCE OF NASH EQUILIBRIUM IN DIFFERENTIAL GAME APPROACH TO FORMATION CONTROL. International Journal of Robotics and Automation. Calgary: ACTA Press, 2018, 33(4), s. 428-434. ISSN 0826-8185. [Detail]
JOR, Ondrej, Jan MACA, Jirina KOUTNA, Michaela GEMROTOVA, Tomas VYMAZAL, Martina LITSCHMANNOVÁ, Pavel SEVCIK, Petr REIMER, Vera MIKULOVA, Michaela TRLICOVA a Vladimir CERNY. Hypotension after induction of general anesthesia: occurrence, risk factors, and therapy. A prospective multicentre observational study. Journal of Anesthesia. Vídeň: Springer, 2018, 32(5), s. 673-680. ISSN 0913-8668. [Detail]
FRONČEK, Dalibor, Petr KOVÁŘ a Tereza KOVÁŘOVÁ. Note on a conjecture of Marimuthu et al. Journal of Graph Labeling. Madura College, 2018, 4(1), s. 36-37. ISSN 2454-4515. [Detail]
VALA, Roman, Irena DURDOVÁ, Martina LITSCHMANNOVÁ a Marie VALOVÁ. The level of motor abilities of applicants for the study of sports management. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. Pitești: University of Pitești, 2018, 18(2), s. 896-901. ISSN 2247-8051. [Detail]
LAMPART, Marek a Jaroslav ZAPOMĚL. Dynamical properties of a nonautonomous double pendulum model. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. New York: Wiley, 2018, 41(17), s. 7106-7114. ISBN 0-000-00000-0. [Detail]
HALFAR, Radek a Marek LAMPART. Dynamical properties of the improved FK3V heart cell model. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. Wiley, 2018, 41(17), s. 7472-7480. ISSN 0170-4214. [Detail]
MERTA, Michal a Jan ZAPLETAL. A parallel library for boundary element discretization of engineering problems. Mathematics and computers in simulation. Elsevier Science, 2018, 145(MARCH), s. 106-113. ISSN 0378-4754. [Detail]
POSPÍŠIL, Lukáš a Zdeněk DOSTÁL. The projected Barzilai-Borwein method with fall-back for strictly convex QCQP problems with separable constraints. Mathematics and computers in simulation. New York: Elsevier Science, 2018, 145(March 2018), s. 79-89. ISSN 0378-4754. [Detail]
PROCHÁZKA, Václav, Tomáš JONSZTA, Daniel CZERNÝ, Jan KRAJČA, Martin ROUBEC, Jirka MAČÁK, Petr KOVÁŘ, Petra KOVÁŘOVÁ, Martin PULCER, Renáta ZOUBKOVÁ, Ivo LOCHMAN, Veronika ŠVACHOVÁ, Lubomír PAVLISKA, Adéla VRTKOVÁ, David KASPŘÁK, Jaromír GUMULEC a John W. WEISEL. The role of von willebrand factor, ADAMTS13, and cerebral artery thrombus composition in patient outcome following mechanical thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke. Medical Science Monitor. Melville: International Scientific Information, 2018, 24(11.06.2018), s. 3929-3945. ISSN 1234-1010. [Detail]
PROCHÁZKA, Václav, Tomáš JONSZTA, Daniel CZERNÝ, Jan KRAJČA, Martin ROUBEC, Eva HURTÍKOVÁ, René URBANEC, Dana STREITOVÁ, Lubomír PAVLISKA a Adéla VRTKOVÁ. Comparison of mechanical thrombectomy with contact aspiration, stent retriever, and combined procedures in patients with large-vessel occlusion in acute ischemic stroke. Medical Science Monitor. Melville: International Scientific Information, 2018, 24(22.12.2018), s. 9342-9353. ISSN 1234-1010. [Detail]
ČERMÁK, Martin, Frédéric HECHT, Zuqi TANG a Martin VOHRALÍK. Adaptive inexact iterative algorithms based on polynomial-degree-robust a posteriori estimates for the Stokes problem. Numerische Mathematik. Tokio: Springer, 2018, 134(4), s. 1-39. ISSN 0029-599X. [Detail]
ĆOSIĆ, Rajko, Aleš VÍTEK a René KALUS. Photoabsorption spectra of small mercury clusters: A computational study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. London: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2018, 20(45), s. 28871-28880. ISSN 1463-9076. [Detail]
VAN DE STEEN, Cyril, Malika BENHENNI, René KALUS, Bruno LEPETIT, Florent Xavier GADEA a Mohammed YOUSFI. Quantum and semi-classical collision cross-sections and transport data for a Kr+/Kr system. Plasma Sources Science and Technology. Bristol: IOP Publishing, 2018, 27(6), s. nestránkováno. ISSN 0963-0252. [Detail]
BAILOVÁ, Michaela, Jiří BOUCHALA a Petr VODSTRČIL. GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION USING SPACE FILLING CURVES. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Ostrava: VSB - TUO, 2017, 15(2), s. 251-257. ISSN 1336-1376. [Detail]
DOSTÁL, Zdeněk a Petr BEREMLIJSKI. On convergence of inexact augmented lagrangians for separable and equality convex QCQP problems without constraint qualification. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2017, 15(2), s. 215-222. ISSN 1336-1376. [Detail]
PECHA, Marek, Martin ČERMÁK, Václav HAPLA, David HORÁK a Jiří TOMČALA. Advanced approach of material region detections on fibre-reinforced concrete CT-scans. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2017, 15(2), s. 223-229. ISSN 1336-1376. [Detail]
HORÁK, David, Václav HAPLA, Jakub KRUŽÍK, Radim SOJKA, Martin ČERMÁK, Jiří TOMČALA, Marek PECHA a Zdeněk DOSTÁL. A note on massively parallel implementation of feti for the solution of contact problems. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2017, 15(2), s. 230-236. ISSN 1336-1376. [Detail]
HORÁK, David, Zdeněk DOSTÁL a Radim SOJKA. On the efficient reconstruction of displacements in feti methods for contact problems. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2017, 15(2), s. 237-241. ISSN 1336-1376. [Detail]
PLÍVOVÁ, Nikola a Petr BEREMLIJSKI. Proximal bundle method for contact shape optimization problem. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2017, 15(2), s. 242-250. ISSN 1336-1376. [Detail]
DOMESOVÁ, Simona a Michal BÉREŠ. Solution of inverse problems using bayesian approach with application to estimation of material parameters in darcy flow. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2017, 15(2), s. 258-266. ISSN 1336-1376. [Detail]
BÉREŠ, Michal a Simona DOMESOVÁ. The stochastic galerkin method for darcy flow problem with log-normal random field coefficients. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2017, 15(2), s. 267-279. ISSN 1336-1376. [Detail]
STRAKOVÁ, Erika, Dalibor LUKÁŠ a Petr VODSTRČIL. FINDING ZEROS OF ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS AND LOCAL EIGENVALUE ANALYSIS USING CONTOUR INTEGRAL METHOD IN EXAMPLES. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2017, 15(2), s. 286-295. ISSN 1336-1376. [Detail]
JAHODA, Pavel, Jan KRACÍK a David ULČÁK. Energetic spectrum of a particle in three-dimensional infinite potential square well in point of view of number theory and bayesian statistics. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2017, 15(2), s. 296-303. ISSN 1336-1376. [Detail]
LAMPART, Marek a Tomáš MARTINOVIČ. A survey of tools detecting the dynamical properties of one-dimensional families. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2017, 15(2), s. 304-313. ISSN 1336-1376. [Detail]
RONOVSKÝ, Aleš a Alena VAŠATOVÁ. ELASTIC IMAGE REGISTRATION BASED ON DOMAIN DECOMPOSITION WITH MESH ADAPTATION. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2017, 15(2), s. 322-330. ISSN 1336-1376. [Detail]
LUKÁŠ, Dalibor, Petr KAČOR, Lubomír IVÁNEK, Veleslav MACH a Christian SCHEFFLER. COUPLING OF FINITE AND BOUNDARY ELEMENTS FOR TRANSIENT EDDY CURRENT PROBLEMS. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2017, 15(2), s. 280-285. ISSN 1336-1376. [Detail]
MROVEC, Martin. Tensor approximation of slater-type orbital basis functions. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2017, 15(2), s. 314-321. ISSN 1336-1376. [Detail]
KOVÁŘ, Petr, Michal KRAVČENKO, Matěj KRBEČEK a Adam SILBER. Handicap Labelings of 4-Regular Graphs. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2017, 15(2), s. 331 - 335. ISSN 1336-1376. [Detail]
JAROŠ, Milan, Petr STRAKOŠ, Tomáš KARÁSEK, Lubomír ŘÍHA, Alena VAŠATOVÁ, Marta JAROŠOVÁ a Tomáš KOZUBEK. Implementation of K-means segmentation algorithm on Intel Xeon Phi and GPU: Application in medical imaging. Advances in Engineering Software. SAN DIEGO: Elsevier, 2017, 103(January 2017), s. 21-28. ISSN 0965-9978. [Detail]
MERTA, Michal, Lubomír ŘÍHA, Ondřej MECA, Alexandros MARKOPOULOS, Tomáš BRZOBOHATÝ, Tomáš KOZUBEK a Vít VONDRÁK. Intel Xeon Phi acceleration of Hybrid Total FETI solver. Advances in Engineering Software. Elsevier, 2017, 112(10 May 2017), s. 124-135. ISSN 0965-9978. [Detail]
VODSTRČIL, Petr, Jiří BOUCHALA, Marta JAROŠOVÁ a Zdeněk DOSTÁL. ON CONDITIONING OF SCHUR COMPLEMENTS OF H-TFETI CLUSTERS FOR 2D PROBLEMS GOVERNED BY LAPLACIAN. Applications of Mathematics. Praha: Matematický ústav AV ČR, 2017, 62(6), s. 699-718. ISSN 0862-7940. [Detail]
MROVEC, Martin. Low-rank tensor representation of Slater-type and hydrogen-like orbitals. Applications of Mathematics. Matematický ústav AV ČR, 2017, 62(6), s. 679-698. ISSN 0862-7940. [Detail]
REŽNAR, Tomáš, Jan MARTINOVIČ, Kateřina SLANINOVÁ, Ekaterina GRAKOVA a Vít VONDRÁK. Probabilistic time-dependent vehicle routing problem. Central European Journal of Operations Research. Springer, 2017, 25(3), s. 1-16. ISSN 1435-246X. [Detail]
ĆOSIĆ, Rajko, Martin MROVEC, Aleš VÍTEK a René KALUS. First principles modelling of thermodynamical properties. Civil-Comp Proceedings. Kippen, Stirlingshire: Civil-Comp Press, 2017, 111(nečíslováno), s. -. ISBN 978-1-905088-64-5. [Detail]
KRAVČENKO, Michal, Michal MERTA a Jan ZAPLETAL. Using discrete mathematics to optimize parallelism in boundary element method. Civil-Comp Proceedings. Kippen, Stirlingshire: Civil-Comp Press, 2017, 111(2017), s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-1-905088-64-5. [Detail]
KRUŽÍK, Jakub a David HORÁK. Wavelet based deflation of conjugate gradient method. Civil-Comp Proceedings. Kippen, Stirlingshire: Civil-Comp Press, 2017, 111(2017-05-26), s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-1-905088-64-5. [Detail]
MALÝ, Lukáš, Jan ZAPLETAL, Michal MERTA, Lubomír ŘÍHA a Vít VONDRÁK. Comparison of Intel Xeon Phi offload runtimes. Civil-Comp Proceedings. Civil-Comp Press, 2017, 111(2017), s. nečíslováno. ISSN 1759-3433. [Detail]
JAROŠOVÁ, Marta, Radek KUČERA a Václav ŠÁTEK. A path-following algorithm for parallel solving of the stokes problem with the stick-slip boundary condition. Civil-Comp Proceedings. Volume 111. Kippen, Stirlingshire: Civil-Comp Press, 2017, 111(2017), s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-1-905088-64-5. [Detail]
VYSOCKÝ, Ondřej, Martin BESEDA, Lubomír ŘÍHA, Jan ZAPLETAL, V. NIKL, M. LYSAGHT a V. KANNAN. Evaluation of the HPC applications dynamic behavior in terms of energy consumption. Civil-Comp Proceedings. Volume 111. Kippen, Stirlingshire: Civil-Comp Press, 2017, 111(111), s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-1-905088-64-5. [Detail]
MARKOPOULOS, Alexandros, Radek KUČERA, Tomáš BRZOBOHATÝ, Lubomír ŘÍHA, Ondřej MECA, Václav RYŠKA a Tomáš KOZUBEK. HTFETI method for non-symmetric problems. Civil-Comp Proceedings. Volume 111. Kippen, Stirlingshire: Civil-Comp Press, 2017, 111(podzim), s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-1-905088-64-5. [Detail]
TOMČALA, Jiří, Marek PECHA a J. PAPUGA. Parallelization of fatigue damage calculation. Civil-Comp Proceedings. Volume 111. Kippen, Stirlingshire: Civil-Comp Press, 2017, 111(2017), s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-1-905088-64-5. [Detail]
HORÁK, David, Zdeněk DOSTÁL, Václav HAPLA, Jakub KRUŽÍK, Radim SOJKA a Martin ČERMÁK. Projector-less TFETI for contact problems: Preliminary results. Civil-Comp Proceedings. Volume 111. Kippen, Stirlingshire: Civil-Comp Press, 2017, 111(2017), s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-1-905088-64-5. [Detail]
PECHA, Marek a Pavel SKALNÝ. Identifying the ductile fracture in steel materials via Lloyd type algorithms. Civil-Comp Proceedings. Volume 111. Kippen, Stirlingshire: Civil-Comp Press, 2017, 111(2017), s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-1-905088-64-5. [Detail]
ČERMÁK, Martin, Václav HAPLA, Jakub KRUŽÍK, Alexandros MARKOPOULOS a Alena VAŠATOVÁ. Comparison of different FETI preconditioners for elastoplasticity. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. Oxford: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2017, 74(1), s. 96-109. ISSN 0898-1221. [Detail]
ZAPLETAL, Jan, Michal MERTA a Lukáš MALÝ. Boundary element quadrature schemes for multi- and many-core architecture. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2017, 74(1), s. 157-173. ISSN 0898-1221. [Detail]
FRONČEK, D., Petr KOVÁŘ, Tereza KOVÁŘOVÁ, Bohumil KRAJC, Michal KRAVČENKO, A. SHEPANIK a Adam SILBER. On regular handicap graphs of even order. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. SAN DIEGO: Elsevier, 2017, 60(July 2017), s. 69-76. ISSN 1571-0653. [Detail]
BRIŠ, Radim a Petr BYCZANSKI. On innovative stochastic renewal process models for exact unavailability quantification of highly reliable systems. Journal of Risk and Reliability. Londýn: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2017, 231(6), s. 617-627. ISSN 1748-006X. [Detail]
JAHODA, Pavel a Monika JAHODOVÁ. SYSTEMS OF CONDITIONALLY IN DEPENDENT SETS. Mathematica Slovaca. Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2017, 67(3), s. 593-600. ISSN 0139-9918. [Detail]
THEUER, Matyáš, Radim VAVŘÍK, Vít VONDRÁK, Štěpán KUCHAŘ, Boris ŠÍR a Antonio Portero TRUJILLO. EFFICIENT METHODS OF AUTOMATIC CALIBRATION FOR RAINFALL-RUNOFF MODELLING IN THE FLOREON+ SYSTEM. Neural Network World. Praha: Akademie věd České republiky, Ústav informatiky, 2017, 27(4), s. 391-413. ISSN 1210-0552. [Detail]
ŠANTIN, Ondřej, Marta JAROŠOVÁ, Vladimír HAVLENA a Zdeněk DOSTÁL. Proportioning with second-order information for model predictive control. Optimization methods and software. Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis, 2017, 32(3), s. 436-454. ISSN 1055-6788. [Detail]
JANEČEK, Ivan, Martin STACHOŇ, Florent X. GADÉA a René KALUS. Fragmentation of KrN+ clusters after electron impact ionization II. Long-time dynamics simulations of Kr7+ evolution and the role of initial electronic excitation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2017, 19(37), s. 25423-25440. ISSN 1463-9076. [Detail]
JANEČEK, Ivan, Pavel NAAR, Martin STACHOŇ, Florent X. GADÉA a René KALUS. Fragmentation of KrN+ clusters after electron impact ionization. Short-time dynamics simulations and approximate multi-scale treatment. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2017, 19(4), s. 2778-2790. ISSN 1463-9076. [Detail]
LAMPART, Marek, Piotr Maciej OPROCHA a Tomasz DRWIEGA. Limit Sets, Attractors and Chaos. Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems. Springer, 2017, 16(1), s. 53-69. ISSN 1575-5460. [Detail]
BRIŠ, Radim, Petr BYCZANSKI, Radomír GOŇO a Stanislav RUSEK. Discrete maintenance optimization of complex multi-component systems. Reliability engineering and system safety. Elsevier, 2017, 168(DEC 2017), s. 80-89. ISSN 0951-8320. [Detail]
JAHODA, Pavel, Radim BRIŠ, Michal BĚLOCH a Lubomir MARTINEK. Decision support system minimizing the risk of post-operation complications after surgeries. Health and Technology. New York: Springer, 2016, 6(2), s. 149-156. ISSN 2190-7188. [Detail]
VEIT, Alexander, Michal MERTA, Jan ZAPLETAL a Dalibor LUKÁŠ. Efficient solution of time-domain boundary integral equations arising in sound-hard scattering. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, 2016, 107(5), s. 430-449. ISSN 0029-5981. [Detail]
BENHENNI, Malika, Martin STACHOŇ, Florent Xavier GADEA, Mohammed YOUSFI a René KALUS. Transport and dissociation of neon dimer cations in neon gas: a joint dynamical and Monte Carlo modeling. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. Bristol: IOP Publishing, 2016, 49(17), s. nestránkováno. ISSN 0953-4075. [Detail]
LAMPART, Marek a Jaroslav ZAPOMĚL. Dynamical properties of a non-autonomous bouncing ball model forced by non-harmonic excitation. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2016, 39(16), s. 4923-4929. ISSN 0170-4214. [Detail]
BLEJCHAŘ, Tomáš, Václav NEVRLÝ, Michal VAŠINEK, Michal DOSTÁL, Milada KOZUBKOVÁ, Jakub DLABKA, Martin STACHOŇ, Libor JUHA, Petr BITALA, Zdeněk ZELINGER, Peter PIRA a Jan WILD. Desorption/ablation of lithium fluoride induced by extreme ultraviolet laser radiation. Nukleonika. Warszawa: Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, 2016, 61(2), s. 131-138. ISSN 0029-5922. [Detail]
ŘÍHA, Lubomír, Tomáš BRZOBOHATÝ, Alexandros MARKOPOULOS, Marta JAROŠOVÁ, Tomáš KOZUBEK, David HORÁK a Václav HAPLA. Implementation of the efficient communication layer for the highly parallel total FETI and hybrid total FETI solvers. Parallel computing. SAN DIEGO: Elsevier, 2016, 57(SEP 2016), s. 154-166. ISSN 0167-8191. [Detail]
LAMPART, Marek a Piotr Maciej OPROCHA. Chaotic sub-dynamics in coupled logistic maps. Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena. Elsevier, 2016, 335(NOV 15 2016), s. 45-53. ISSN 0167-2789. [Detail]
SNÁŠEL, Václav, Jiří BOUCHALA a Petr VODSTRČIL. Kouzlo Fibonacciho kódování. Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie. Jednota českých matematiků a fyziků, 2016, 61(3), s. 234-242. ISSN 0032-2423. [Detail]
MRŮZEK, Michal, Martina LITSCHMANNOVÁ, Tomáš PALEČEK a Radim LIPINA. Vertebroplastika a stentoplastika v léčení osteoporotických zlomenin páteře. Praktický lékař. Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne, 2016, 96(2), s. 62-70. ISSN 0032-6739. [Detail]
ARUMUGAM, S., N. KAMATCHI a Petr KOVÁŘ. Distance Magic Graphs. Utilitas Mathematica. Winnipeg: Utilitas Mathematica Publishing, 2016, 99(2016), s. 131-142. ISSN 0315-3681. [Detail]

Kniha odborná

DOSTÁL, Zdeněk, Tomáš KOZUBEK, Marie SADOWSKÁ a Vít VONDRÁK. Scalable Algorithms for Contact Problems. New York: Springer Science+Business MEDIA LLC, 2017. ISBN 978-1-4939-6832-9. [Detail]

Kapitola v knize

KJELDSBERG, Per Gunnar, Robert SCHÖNE, Michael GERNDT, Lubomír ŘÍHA, Venkatesh KANNAN, Kai DIETHELM, Marie-Christine SAWLEY, Jan ZAPLETAL, Andreas GOCHT, Nico REISSMANN, Ondřej VYSOCKÝ, Madhura KUMARASWAMY a Wolfgang NAGEL. Run-time exploitation of application dynamism for energy-efficient exascale computing. In: System-Scenario-based Design Principles and Applications. Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2020. s. 113-126. ISBN 978-3-030-20343-6. [Detail]

Příspěvek ve sborníku

ŽUROVEC, David, Martin ČERMÁK, Jakub HLOSTA, Jan NEČAS a Jiří ZEGZULKA. Optimization of vibration separator using DEM modeling method. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 2293. Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2020. s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-0-7354-4025-8. [Detail]
HLOSTA, Jakub, Martin ČERMÁK, David ŽUROVEC a Viktor DUBOVSKÝ. Numerical study of galton board experiment via discrete element method simulation. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 2293. Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2020. s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-0-7354-4025-8. [Detail]
ČERMÁK, Martin, S. SYSALA a J. VALDMAN. On vectorized matlab implementation of elastoplastic problems. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 2293. Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2020. s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-0-7354-4025-8. [Detail]
BEREMLIJSKI, Petr a Petra VONDRÁKOVÁ. MATHEMATICAL EDUCATIONAL PORTALS MSR, STEMFORYOUTH AND MATH4U. In: INTED2020 : 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference : Valencia, Spain, 2-4 March, 2020 : conference proceedings. Valencie: IATED Academy, 2020. s. 6370-6379. ISBN 978-84-09-17939-8. [Detail]
VONDRÁKOVÁ, Petra a Petr BEREMLIJSKI. USE OF EDUCATIONAL PORTAL MATH4U FOR PRACTICING PRECALCULUS AND CALCULUS. In: INTED2020 : 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference : Valencia, Spain, 2-4 March, 2020 : conference proceedings. Valencie: IATED Academy, 2020. s. 6416-6423. ISBN 978-84-09-17939-8. [Detail]
DOHR, Stefan, Michal MERTA, Gunther OF, Olaf STEINBACH a Jan ZAPLETAL. A parallel solver for preconditioned space-time boundary element method for the heat equation. In: Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. Volume 138. Cham: Springer, 2020. s. 108-116. ISBN 978-3-030-56749-1. [Detail]
MALÝ, Lukáš a Dalibor LUKÁŠ. A Neumann-Neumann Method for Anisotropic TDNNS Finite Elements in 3D Linear Elasticity. In: Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. Volume 138. Cham: Springer, 2020. s. 450-457. ISBN 978-3-030-56749-1. [Detail]
KRAVČENKO, Michal, Jan ZAPLETAL, Xavier CLAEYS a Michal MERTA. Parallel adaptive cross approximation for the multi-trace formulation of scattering problems. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Volume 12044. Cham: Springer, 2020. s. 141-150. ISBN 978-3-030-43221-8. [Detail]
PECHA, Marek a David HORÁK. Analyzing l1-loss and l2-loss support vector machines implemented in PERMON toolbox. In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Volume 554. Cham: Springer, 2020. s. 13-23. ISBN 978-3-030-14906-2. [Detail]
BÉREŠ, Michal. An efficient reduced basis construction for stochastic galerkin matrix equations using deflated conjugate gradients. In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Volume 554. Cham: Springer, 2020. s. 175-184. ISBN 978-3-030-14906-2. [Detail]
DOMESOVÁ, Simona. The use of radial basis function surrogate models for sampling process acceleration in bayesian inversion. In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Volume 554. Cham: Springer, 2020. s. 228-238. ISBN 978-3-030-14906-2. [Detail]
MROVEC, Martin. Convergence study of different approaches of solving the hartree-fock equation on the potential curve of the hydrogen fluoride. In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Volume 554. Cham: Springer, 2020. s. 461-471. ISBN 978-3-030-14906-2. [Detail]
KRPELÍK, Daniel, F.P.A. COOLEN a L.J.M. ASLETT. A decomposition approach for computation of survival signatures of heterogeneous systems with subsystems with shared components. In: Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) : 22–26 September 2019, Hannover, Germany. Singapur: Research Publishing, 2020. s. 2266-2273. ISBN 978-981-11-2724-3. [Detail]
BRIŠ, Radim a Nuong Thi Thuy TRAN. Comparison of two maintenance models to quantify unavailability of systems with components with dormant failures. In: Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) : 22–26 September 2019, Hannover, Germany. Singapur: Research Publishing, 2020. s. 507-514. ISBN 978-981-11-2724-3. [Detail]
THACH, Thanh Tien a Radim BRIŠ. Reparameterized weibull distribution: A bayes study using hamiltonian monte carlo. In: Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) : 22–26 September 2019, Hannover, Germany. Singapur: Research Publishing, 2020. s. 997-1004. ISBN 978-981-11-2724-3. [Detail]
LAMPART, Marek a Tomáš MARTINOVIČ. CML-tent model chaotic behavior with respect to the state and coupling parameterse. In: Springer Proceedings in Complexity 2020. Londýn: Springer, 2020. s. 15-27. ISBN 978-3-030-35440-4. [Detail]
LAMPART, Marek a Judita BUCHLOVSKA NAGYOVÁ. Movement characteristics of a model with circular equilibrium. In: Springer Proceedings in Complexity 2020. Londýn: Springer, 2020. s. 45-55. ISBN 978-3-030-35440-4. [Detail]
MARŠÁLEK, Pavel, Aleš GRYGAR, Tomáš KARÁSEK a Tomáš BRZOBOHATÝ. Virtual Prototyping of 3D Printed Cranial Orthoses by Finite Element Analysis. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 2116. Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2019. s. 1-4. ISBN 978-0-7354-1854-7. [Detail]
HLOSTA, Jakub, Martin ČERMÁK, Jiří ROZBROJ a David ŽUROVEC. DEM-CFD Numerical Model of Laboratory Scale Fluidized Bed Coffee Roaster. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 2116. Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2019. s. 320004. ISBN 978-0-7354-1854-7. [Detail]
MALÝ, Lukáš, Jan ZAPLETAL a Michal MERTA. Vectorized Evaluation of Boundary Integral Operators. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 2116. Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2019. s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-0-7354-1854-7. [Detail]
ČERMÁK, Martin. Numerical realization of elastoplastic one-dimensional problems. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 2116. Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2019. s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-0-7354-1854-7. [Detail]
HALFAR, Radek, Martina LITSCHMANNOVÁ a Martin ČERNÝ. Effects of External Conditions to Chaotic Properties of Human Stability. In: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Volume 1011. Cham: Springer, 2019. s. 141-150. ISBN 978-3-030-23761-5. [Detail]
BEREMLIJSKI, Petr, Petra VONDRÁKOVÁ a Robert MAŘÍK. MATH4S-EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE MATH FOR STUDENT. In: INTED2019 : 13th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference : Valencia, 11th, 12th and 13th of March, 2019. Valencie: IATED Academy, 2019. s. 5685-5690. ISBN 978-84-09-08619-1. [Detail]
VONDRÁKOVÁ, Petra, Petr BEREMLIJSKI a Robert MAŘÍK. MATH4U-MATH IN FOUR LANGUAGES FOR STUDENTS AND TEACHERS. In: INTED2019 : 13th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference : Valencia, 11th, 12th and 13th of March, 2019. Valencie: IATED Academy, 2019. s. 5710-5717. ISBN 978-84-09-08619-1. [Detail]
KRPELÍK, Daniel, F.P.A. COOLEN a L.J.M. ASLETT. On Robust Markov Analysis for Reliability Assessment of Complex Systems using Imprecise Markov Chains. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies 2019, IDT 2019. Piscataway: IEEE, 2019. s. 245-252. ISBN 978-1-72811-401-9. [Detail]
PŘIBYLOVÁ, Lenka, Radim BRIŠ, Lubomír MARTÍNEK a Vladimír BENČURIK. The use of survival analysis to investigate risk factors for anastomotic leak. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies 2019, IDT 2019. Piscataway: IEEE, 2019. s. 385-394. ISBN 978-1-72811-401-9. [Detail]
THACH, Thanh Tien a Radim BRIŠ. Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Method for Parameter estimation of the Additive Weibull distribution. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies 2019, IDT 2019. Piscataway: IEEE, 2019. s. 485-491. ISBN 978-1-72811-401-9. [Detail]
VRTKOVÁ, Adéla a Václav PROCHÁZKA. Comparing the Performance of Regression Models, Random Forests and Neural Networks for Stroke Patients' outcome Prediction. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies 2019, IDT 2019. Piscataway: IEEE, 2019. s. 543-550. ISBN 978-1-72811-401-9. [Detail]
BRIŠ, Radim a Nuong Thi Thuy TRAN. An Age Based Maintenance Policy Model for Unavailability Analysis of Dormant Systems. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies 2019, IDT 2019. Piscataway: IEEE, 2019. s. 60-67. ISBN 978-1-72811-401-9. [Detail]
KUČERA, Radek, Kristina MOTYČKOVÁ, Jan PACHOLEK a Taoufik SASSI. The Semi-Smooth Newton Method for Solving the Stokes Problem with the Stick-Slip Boundary Condition. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 1978. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2018. s. Article Number:UNSP 360003-1. ISBN 978-0-7354-1690-1. [Detail]
MALÝ, Lukáš, Jan ZAPLETAL, Michal MERTA a Martin ČERMÁK. Xeon Phi Acceleration of Domain Decomposition Iterations via Heterogeneous Active Messages. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 1978. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2018. s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-0-7354-1690-1. [Detail]
TOMČALA, Jiří, Martin ČERMÁK, Marek PECHA a David HORÁK. The Fatigue Damage Software Parallelization. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 1978. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2018. s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-0-7354-1690-1. [Detail]
PECHA, Marek, Václav HAPLA, David HORÁK a Martin ČERMÁK. Notes on the Preliminary Results of a Linear Two-Class Classifier in the PERMON Toolbox. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 1978. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2018. s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-0-7354-1690-1. [Detail]
VANTUCH, Tomáš, Marek LAMPART a Michal PRÍLEPOK. An examination of an entropy based features on partial discharge pattern. In: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Volume 679. Cham: Springer, 2018. s. 265-275. ISBN 978-3-319-68320-1. [Detail]
KRPELÍK, Daniel, F.P.A. COOLEN a L.J.M. ASLETT. Imprecise probability inference on masked multicomponent system. In: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Volume 830. Cham: Springer, 2018. s. 133-140. ISBN 978-3-319-97546-7. [Detail]
BRIŠ, Radim a Nuong Thi Thuy TRAN. Optimization of maintenance policies for complex and highly reliable multi-unit systems. In: ESREL 2017: proceedings of the 27th edition of the international conference European Safety and Reliability Conference : June 18-22, 2017, Portorož, Slovenia. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2018. s. 403-411. ISBN 978-1-138-62937-0. [Detail]
BEREMLIJSKI, Petr, Petra VONDRÁKOVÁ, Martina LITSCHMANNOVÁ a Robert MAŘÍK. MATH GAMES FOR ONE PLAYER. In: INTED2018 : proceedings of the 12th international technology, education and development conference : March 5-7, 2018, Valencia, Spain. Valencie: IATED Academy, 2018. s. 2395-2402. ISBN 978-84-697-9480-7. [Detail]
VONDRÁKOVÁ, Petra, Petr BEREMLIJSKI, Martina LITSCHMANNOVÁ a Robert MAŘÍK. MATH GAMES FOR TWO PLAYERS. In: INTED2018 : proceedings of the 12th international technology, education and development conference : March 5-7, 2018, Valencia, Spain. Valencie: IATED Academy, 2018. s. 2911-2916. ISBN 978-84-697-9480-7. [Detail]
AXELSSON, O. a Dalibor LUKÁŠ. Preconditioners for time-harmonic optimal control eddy-current problems. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Volume 10665. Cham: Springer, 2018. s. 47-54. ISBN 978-3-319-73440-8. [Detail]
KRAVČENKO, Michal, Lukáš MALÝ, Michal MERTA a Jan ZAPLETAL. Parallel assembly of ACA BEM matrices on Xeon Phi clusters. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Volume 10777. Cham: Springer, 2018. s. 101-110. ISBN 978-3-319-78023-8. [Detail]
KRUŽÍK, Jakub, Marek PECHA, Václav HAPLA, David HORÁK a Martin ČERMÁK. Investigating convergence of linear SVM implemented in PermonSVM employing MPRGP algorithm. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Volume 11087. Cham: Springer, 2018. s. 115-129. ISBN 978-3-319-97135-3. [Detail]
VYSOCKÝ, Ondřej, Martin BESEDA, Lubomír ŘÍHA, Jan ZAPLETAL, M. LYSAGHT a V. KANNAN. MERIC and RADAR generator: Tools for energy evaluation and runtime tuning of HPC applications. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Volume 11087. Cham: Springer, 2018. s. 144-159. ISBN 978-3-319-97135-3. [Detail]
BÉREŠ, Michal. Karhunen-Loéve decomposition of isotropic Gaussian random fields using a tensor approximation of autocovariance kernel. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Volume 11087. Cham: Springer, 2018. s. 188-202. ISBN 978-3-319-97135-3. [Detail]
DOMESOVÁ, Simona a Michal BÉREŠ. A Bayesian approach to the identification problem with given material interfaces in the darcy flow. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Volume 11087. Cham: Springer, 2018. s. 203-216. ISBN 978-3-319-97135-3. [Detail]
DOSTÁL, Zdeněk, Gerardo TORALDO, Marco VIOLA a Oldřich VLACH. Proportionality-based gradient methods with applications in contact mechanics. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Volume 11087. Cham: Springer, 2018. s. 47-58. ISBN 978-3-319-97135-3. [Detail]
NOVÁK, Vlastimil, Lenka ŘEHÁČKOVÁ, Bedřich SMETANA, Silvie ROSYPALOVÁ, Ľubomíra DROZDOVÁ, Petr LICHÝ, Filip RADKOVSKÝ, Kateřina KONEČNÁ, Martina LITSCHMANNOVÁ a Jana DOBROVSKÁ. Determination of Surface Properties of Fe-C-Cr Model Alloys. In: METAL 2018 : conference proceedings : reviewed version : 27th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials : May 23rd-25th 2018, Hotel Voronez I, Brno, Czech Republic, EU. Ostrava: Tanger, 2018. s. 170-175. ISBN 978-80-87294-84-0. [Detail]
FILIPPI, G., Daniel KRPELÍK, P.Z. KORONDI, M. VASILE, M. MARCHI a C. POLONI. Space systems resilience engineering and global system reliability optimisation under imprecision and epistemic uncertainty. In: Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2018. Paříž: International Astronautical Federation, 2018. s. nestránkováno. ISBN 0-000-00000-0. [Detail]
BRIŠ, Radim a Nuong Thi Thuy TRAN. Newly enhanced computing algorithm to quantify unavailability of maintained multi-component systems. In: Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World - Proceedings of the 28th International European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2018. Leiden: CRC Press, 2018. s. 931-936. ISBN 978-0-8153-8682-7. [Detail]
THACH, Thanh Tien a Radim BRIŠ. MLE versus MCMC estimators of the mixture of failure rate model. In: Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World - Proceedings of the 28th International European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2018. Leiden: CRC Press, 2018. s. 937-944. ISBN 978-0-8153-8682-7. [Detail]
TRUJILLO, Antonio Portero, Jiří ŠEVČÍK, Martin GOLASOWSKI, Radim VAVŘÍK, S. LIBUTTI, G. MASSARI, F. CATTHOOR, W. FORNACIARI a Vít VONDRÁK. Using an adaptive and time predictable runtime system for power-aware HPC-oriented applications. In: 2016 7th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference, IGSC 2016. Piscataway: IEEE, 2017. s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-1-5090-5117-5. [Detail]
JAROŠ, Milan, Lubomír ŘÍHA, Tomáš KARÁSEK, Petr STRAKOŠ a Daniel KRPELÍK. Rendering in Blender Cycles using MPI and Intel® Xeon Phi™. In: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 2017. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2017. s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-1-4503-5236-9. [Detail]
ZAPLETAL, Jan, Michal MERTA a Martin ČERMÁK. Acceleration of Boundary Element Method for Linear Elasticity. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 1863. Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2017. s. 1-4. ISBN 978-0-7354-1538-6. [Detail]
PECHA, Marek, Pavla JIRŮTKOVÁ a Martin ČERMÁK. Fundamental improvements of the piecewise semi-smooth Laplace-Beltrami operator numerical stability. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 1863. Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2017. s. Article number 340012. ISBN 978-0-7354-1538-6. [Detail]
HORÁK, David, Lubomír ŘÍHA, Radim SOJKA, Jakub KRUŽÍK, Martin BESEDA, Martin ČERMÁK a J. SCHUCHART. Energy consumption optimization of the total-FETI solver by changing the CPU frequency. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 1863. Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2017. s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-0-7354-1538-6. [Detail]
SOJKA, Radim, Lubomír ŘÍHA, David HORÁK, Jakub KRUŽÍK, Martin BESEDA a Martin ČERMÁK. THE ENERGY CONSUMPTION OPTIMIZATION OF THE BLAS ROUTINES. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 1863. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2017. s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-0-7354-1538-6. [Detail]
PAPUGA, Jan, Radim HALAMA, Martin FUSEK, Jaroslav ROJÍČEK, František FOJTÍK, David HORÁK, Marek PECHA, Jiří TOMČALA, Martin ČERMÁK, Václav HAPLA, Radim SOJKA a Jakub KRUŽÍK. Efficient Lifetime Estimation Techniques for General Multiaxial Loading. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 1863. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2017. s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-0-7354-1538-6. [Detail]
HANZELKA, Jiří, Robert SKOPAL, Kateřina SLANINOVÁ, Jan MARTINOVIČ a Jiří DVORSKÝ. Graph problems performance comparison using intel xeon and intel xeon-phi. In: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Volume 567. Singapur: Springer, 2017. s. 73-83. ISBN 978-981-10-3408-4. [Detail]
MARKOPOULOS, Alexandros, Lubomír ŘÍHA, Tomáš BRZOBOHATÝ, Pavla JIRŮTKOVÁ, Radek KUČERA, Ondřej MECA a Tomáš KOZUBEK. Treatment of Singular Matrices in the Hybrid Total FETI Method. In: Lecture notes in computational science and engineering. Volume 116. London: Springer Verlag, 2017. s. 237-244. ISBN 978-3-319-52388-0. [Detail]
SKALNÝ, Pavel a Marek PECHA. Identification of the ductile fracture area of X70 steel from DWTT broken specimens. In: METAL 2017: conference proceedings : 26th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials : (reviewed version) : May 24th-26th 2017, Hotel Voroněž I, Brno, Czech Republic, EU. Ostrava: Tanger, 2017. s. 589-594. ISBN 978-80-87294-79-6. [Detail]
BÍLEK, Vlastimil, Sabina BONCZKOVÁ, Jan HURTA, David PYTLÍK a Martin MROVEC. Bond Strength between Reinforcing Steel and Different Types of Concrete. In: Procedia Engineering. Volume 190. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2017. s. 243-247. ISBN 0-000-00000-0. [Detail]
ČERMÁK, Martin, Václav HAPLA a David HORÁK. MATLAB PARALLEL CODES FOR 3D SLOPE STABILITY BENCHMARKS. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computational Plasticity - Fundamentals and Applications, COMPLAS 2017. Barcelona: International Center for numerical methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 2017. s. 989-997. ISBN 978-84-946909-6-9. [Detail]
ZOMPAKIS, Nikolaos, Michail NOLTSIS, Lorena NDREU, Zacharias HADJILAMBROU, Panagiotis ENGLEZAKIS, Panagiota NIKOLAOU, Antonio Portero TRUJILLO, Simone LIBUTTI, Giuseppe MASSARI, Federico SASSI, Alessandro BACCHINI, Chrysostomos NICOPOULOS, Yiannakis SAZEIDES, Radim VAVŘÍK, Martin GOLASOWSKI, Jiří ŠEVČÍK, Vít VONDRÁK, Francky CATTHOOR, William FORNACIARI a Dimitrios SOUDRIS. HARPA: Tackling Physically Induced Performance Variability. In: Proceedings of the 2017 Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition. Vienna: IEEE, 2017. s. 97-102. ISBN 978-3-9815370-9-3. [Detail]
KUBÍČKOVÁ, Veronika a L. MARTINEK. Using logistic regression for assessing the probability of serious postoperative complications after colorectal operations in geriatric patients. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies, IDT 2017. Piscataway: IEEE, 2017. s. 206-211. ISBN 978-1-5090-5688-0. [Detail]
THACH, Tien Thanh, Radim BRIŠ a F.P.A. COOLEN. Mixture failure rate: A study based on cross-entropy and MCMC method. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies, IDT 2017. Piscataway: IEEE, 2017. s. 373-382. ISBN 978-1-5090-5688-0. [Detail]
VRTKOVÁ, Adéla. Predicting clinical status of patients after an acute ischemic stroke using random forests. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies, IDT 2017. Piscataway: IEEE, 2017. s. 417-422. ISBN 978-1-5090-5688-0. [Detail]
BRIŠ, Radim. Stochastic ageing and maintenance models for unavailability quantification of complex multi-component systems. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies, IDT 2017. Piscataway: IEEE, 2017. s. 83-89. ISBN 978-1-5090-5688-0. [Detail]
LAMPART, Marek. A SURVAY OF COURNOT OLIGOPOLY DYNAMIC. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Economic and Social Policy: Economic Policy in Global Environment : Ostravice, Czech Republic, September 5-7, 2017. Havířov: PRIGO University, 2017. s. 321-332. ISBN 978-80-87291-20-7. [Detail]
BRIŠ, Radim a Petr BYCZANSKI. Advanced computing methodology for general highly reliable systems. In: Risk, reliability and safety: innovating theory and practice: proceedings of the 26th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2016, Glasgow, Scotland, 25-29 September 2016. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2017. s. 1466-1473. ISBN 978-1-138-02997-2. [Detail]
LUKÁŠ, Dalibor. Robust mixed finite element simulations of interactions of ultrasonic waves with cracks. In: 8th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, EWSHM 2016. Bad Breisig: NDT.net, 2016. s. 1154-1161. ISBN 978-1-5108-2793-6. [Detail]
HASAL, Martin, Lukáš POSPÍŠIL a Jana NOWAKOVÁ. Barzilai-Borwein Method in Graph Drawing Algorithm Based on Kamada-Kawai Algorithm. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 1738. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2016. s. 1-4. ISBN 978-0-7354-1392-4. [Detail]
PECHA, Marek a Martin ČERMÁK. Segmentations for piecewise smooth pictures in PERMON. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 1738. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2016. s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-0-7354-1392-4. [Detail]
ČERMÁK, Martin, Václav HAPLA, David HORÁK, Lukáš POSPÍŠIL, Alena VAŠATOVÁ a Alexandros MARKOPOULOS. PERMON software toolbox as solver of contact problems in mechanics. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 1738. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2016. s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-0-7354-1392-4. [Detail]
BRIŠ, Radim. Cost oriented statistical decision problem in acceptance sampling and quality control. In: APPLIED MATHEMATICS IN ENGINEERING AND RELIABILITY. BOCA RATON: CRC PRESS-TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP, 2016. s. 19-26. ISBN 978-1-138-02928-6. [Detail]
BRIŠ, Radim a Tien Thanh THACH. Bayesian approach to estimate the mixture of failure rate model. In: APPLIED MATHEMATICS IN ENGINEERING AND RELIABILITY. BOCA RATON: CRC PRESS-TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP, 2016. s. 9-17. ISBN 978-1-138-02928-6. [Detail]
LAMPART, Marek a Jaroslav ZAPOMĚL. Application of a double-impact-element for vibrations attenuation of a machine mounted on nonlinear support. In: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2016. s. 505-514. ISBN 978-3-319-29503-9. [Detail]
ŠTRBA, Radoslav, Radim BRIŠ, Ivo VONDRÁK a Svatopluk ŠTOLFA. Application of naïve Bayes in classification of use cases. In: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Volume 427. London: Springer, 2016. s. 361-370. ISBN 978-3-319-29503-9. [Detail]
BÉREŠ, Michal a Radim BRIŠ. Acceleration of multi-factor Merton model Monte Carlo simulation via Importance Sampling and GPU parallelization. In: Applied Mathematics in Engineering and Reliability : proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering and Reliability : Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 4-6 May 2016. London: CRC PRESS-TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP, 2016. s. 107-118. ISBN 978-1-138-02928-6. [Detail]
DOMESOVÁ, Simona a Radim BRIŠ. Highly reliable systems simulation accelerated using CPU and GPU parallel computing. In: Applied Mathematics in Engineering and Reliability : proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering and Reliability : Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 4-6 May 2016. London: CRC PRESS-TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP, 2016. s. 119-129. ISBN 978-1-138-02928-6. [Detail]
BLAHETA, Radim, Michal BÉREŠ a Simona DOMESOVÁ. A study of stochastic FEM method for porous media flow problem. In: Applied Mathematics in Engineering and Reliability : proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering and Reliability : Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 4-6 May 2016. London: CRC PRESS-TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP, 2016. s. 281-289. ISBN 978-1-138-02928-6. [Detail]
LY, Sel, U. H. PHAM a Radim BRIŠ. On the distortion risk measure using copulas. In: Applied Mathematics in Engineering and Reliability : proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering and Reliability : Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 4-6 May 2016. London: CRC PRESS-TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP, 2016. s. 309-315. ISBN 978-1-138-02928-6. [Detail]
KRPELÍK, Daniel, Milan JAROŠ, Marta JAROŠOVÁ, Petr STRAKOŠ, Tereza BUREŠOVÁ, Alena VAŠATOVÁ a Tomáš KARÁSEK. Detection of orbital floor fractures by principal component analysis. In: Computer information systems and industrial management : 15th IFIP TC8 International Conference, CISIM 2016 : Vilnius, Lithuania, September 14-16, 2016 : proceedings. Cham: Springer, 2016. s. 129-138. ISBN 978-3-319-45377-4. [Detail]
GOLASOWSKI, Martin, Radek TOMIS, Jan MARTINOVIČ, Kateřina SLANINOVÁ a Lukáš RAPANT. Performance evaluation of probabilistic time-dependent travel time computation. In: Computer information systems and industrial management : 15th IFIP TC8 International Conference, CISIM 2016 : Vilnius, Lithuania, September 14-16, 2016 : proceedings. Cham: Springer, 2016. s. 377-388. ISBN 978-3-319-45377-4. [Detail]
JANUROVÁ, Kateřina a Lubomír MARTÍNEK. Assessment of mortality risk for patients undergoing colorectal surgery using regression modeling. In: DT 2014 - 10th International Conference on Digital Technologies 2014. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, 2016. s. 47-66. ISBN 978-1-4799-3301-3. [Detail]
ZAPLETAL, Jan, Michal MERTA a Martin ČERMÁK. BEM4I applied to shape optimization problems. In: ICNAAM 2015 : 13th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics : Rodhes, Greece, September 23-29, 2015. [Řecko]: American Institute of Physics Inc., 2016. s. 1-5. ISBN 978-0-7354-1392-4. [Detail]
BRIŠ, Radim, Žaneta MIKLOVÁ, Martina LITSCHMANNOVÁ a Lubomir MARTINEK. Comparison of different surgery operation techniques. In: IDT 2016 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies 2016. New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2016. s. 48-53. ISBN 978-1-4673-8860-3. [Detail]
HORÁK, David, Lubomír ŘÍHA, Radim SOJKA, Jakub KRUŽÍK a Martin BESEDA. Energy consumption optimization of the Total-FETI solver and BLAS routines by changing the CPU frequency. In: International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS). New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2016. s. 1031-1032. ISBN 978-1-5090-2088-1. [Detail]
KOTAS, Petr, Roberto CROCE, Valentina POLETTI, Vít VONDRÁK a Rolf KRAUSE. A massive parallel fast marching method. In: Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. Volume 104. Berlin: Springer, 2016. s. 311-318. ISBN 978-3-319-18826-3. [Detail]
MERTA, Michal, Jan ZAPLETAL a Jiří JAROŠ. Many Core Acceleration of the Boundary Element Method. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Volume 9611. Basel: Springer, 2016. s. 116-125. ISBN 978-3-319-40360-1. [Detail]
STRAKOŠ, Petr, Milan JAROŠ, Tomáš KARÁSEK a Tomáš KOZUBEK. Parallel implementation of collaborative filtering technique for denoising of CT images. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Volume 9611. New York: Springer, 2016. s. 126-140. ISBN 978-3-319-40360-1. [Detail]
TOMIS, Radek, Lukáš RAPANT, Jan MARTINOVIČ, Kateřina SLANINOVÁ a Ivo VONDRÁK. Probabilistic time-dependent travel time computation using Monte Carlo simulation. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Volume 9611. Cham: Springer, 2016. s. 161-170. ISBN 978-3-319-40360-1. [Detail]
ŘÍHA, Lubomír, Tomáš BRZOBOHATÝ, Alexandros MARKOPOULOS, Tomáš KOZUBEK, Ondřej MECA, Olaf SCHENK a Wim VANROOSE. Efficient Implementation of Total FETI Solver for Graphic Processing Units Using Schur Complement. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Volume 9611. Basel: Springer, 2016. s. 85-100. ISBN 978-3-319-40360-1. [Detail]
HAPLA, Václav, David HORÁK, Lukáš POSPÍŠIL, Martin ČERMÁK, Alena VAŠATOVÁ a Radim SOJKA. Solving contact mechanics problems with PERMON. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Volume 9611. Berlin: Springer, 2016. s. 101-115. ISBN 978-3-319-40360-1. [Detail]
VAŠATOVÁ, Alena, Martin ČERMÁK a Václav HAPLA. Parallel implementation of the FETI DDM constraint matrix on top of PETSc for the permonFLLOP package. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume 9573. London: Springer Verlag, 2016. s. 150-159. ISBN 978-3-319-32148-6. [Detail]
ŘÍHA, Lubomír, Tomáš BRZOBOHATÝ, Alexandros MARKOPOULOS, Ondřej MECA a Tomáš KOZUBEK. Massively parallel hybrid total FETI (HTFETI) solver. In: PASC 2016 - Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2016. s. nestrankovano. ISBN 978-1-4503-4126-4. [Detail]
SKALNÝ, Pavel. Evaluation and Identifying the Ductile Fracture Area of X70 Steel from DWTT Broken Specimens. In: Procedia Structural Integrity. Volume 2. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2016. s. 3727-3734. ISBN 978-1-5108-2701-1. [Detail]
OTIPKA, Petr, Jaroslav VLČEK a Michal LESŇÁK. Designing of MO-SPR bio-chip with photonic crystal. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Volume 10142. [Česko]: SPIE, 2016. s. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-1-5106-0733-0. [Detail]
JANUROVÁ, Kateřina, Martina LITSCHMANNOVÁ, Robert SKOPAL, Pavlína KURÁŇOVÁ a Michal BĚLOCH. SUPPORTING FREEWARE FOR STATISTICAL LECTURES - RKWard. In: The 10th International Days of Statistics and Economics : conference proceedings : September 8–10, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic. Slaný: Melandrium, 2016. s. 711-722. ISBN 978-80-87990-10-0. [Detail]

Příspěvek ve sborníku nehodnocený

VO TIEN, Dung, Radomír GOŇO, Radim BRIŠ a Zbigniew LEONOWICZ. Reliability Evaluation of the Electric Power Distribution Systems. In: WOFEX 2017 : proceedings of the 15th annual workshop : September 12, 2017, Ostrava, Czech Republic. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2017. s. 19-24. ISBN 978-80-248-4056-7. [Detail]
PŘIBYLOVÁ, Lenka. Using Bootstrap Methods with R-Project For Comparison Ways of Treatment of Critical Limb Ischemia. In: WOFEX 2017 : proceedings of the 15th annual workshop : September 12, 2017, Ostrava, Czech Republic. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2017. s. 342-348. ISBN 978-80-248-4056-7. [Detail]

Přednáška nebo poster

DOMESOVÁ, Simona, Michal BÉREŠ a Michal KRAVČENKO. Sampling posterior distributions governed by partial differential equations using surrogate models. 2018. [Detail]
DOMESOVÁ, Simona a Michal BÉREŠ. Bayesian approach to the solution of identification problems using surrogate models. 2018. [Detail]


LAMPART, Marek, Jan KRACÍK a David ULČÁK. Realizace vývoje a výzkumu scoringové funkce. MonkeyData, s.r.o, 2020. [Detail]
KOZIOREK, Jiří, Jaromír KONEČNÝ, Petr BEREMLIJSKI, Michaela BAILOVÁ a Marián ANTOSZYK. Vývoj a dodání výpočtu pro seřizování světlometu W206 a R232. Elvac a.s., 2019. [Detail]
HORÁK, Jiří, Pavel KUKULIAČ, Lucie ORLÍKOVÁ, David FOJTÍK, Tomáš PEŇÁZ, Tomáš INSPEKTOR a Martina LITSCHMANNOVÁ. Programové řešení Prostorových analýz trhu práce v roce 2019. Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí České republiky, 2019. [Detail]
FERFECKI, Petr, Jaroslav ZAPOMĚL, Marek GEBAUER, Tomáš BRZOBOHATÝ, Václav POLREICH a Jiří KŘENEK. CFD simulace squeeze filmového tlumiče a výpočet koeficientů tlumení a tuhosti tlumiče. Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o., 2018. [Detail]
KOZIOREK, Jiří, Jaromír KONEČNÝ, Petr BEREMLIJSKI, Michaela BAILOVÁ a Zdeněk KONEČNÝ. Zpráva o výsledcích vědecko-výzkumné a vývojové činnosti pro firmu Elvac a.s. ELVAC a.s., 2018. [Detail]
ŽÍDEK, Jan, Dalibor LUKÁŠ, Petr BILÍK, Vladimír VAŠINEK, Petr KAČOR, Pavel KODYTEK, Lubomír IVÁNEK, Veleslav MACH, Jiří KOZIOREK a Ludvík KOVAL. SELF - Sequential Electromagnetic Forming. Národní Energetický Klástr, 2018. [Detail]
KONEČNÝ, Jaromír a Petr BEREMLIJSKI. SW pro výpočet korekce pozice robotu při lepení skla. Varroc Lighting System, 2018. [Detail]
BRZOBOHATÝ, Tomáš, Petr FERFECKI a František FOJTÍK. Výpočtová simulace ochlazování válců během procesu válcování s cílem optimalizovat kvalitu vývalku a životnost válců - část 2 (počítačové simulace napěťových, deformačních polí ochlazovaných válců). ITA spol. s r.o., 2017. [Detail]
BRZOBOHATÝ, Tomáš a Tomáš KARÁSEK. Technická pomoc v oblasti metod pro posuzování různých řešení dlahové osteosyntézy z pohledu pevnosti. 3Dim Laboratory, 2016. [Detail]
BRZOBOHATÝ, Tomáš a Tomáš KARÁSEK. Simulace NTC elementu USL sensoru. Continental Automotive Czech Republic, s.r.o, 2016. [Detail]
BRIŠ, Radim a Robert SKOPAL. Smlouva o dílo HS4701501. D3Soft Future, 2016. [Detail]
KOZUBEK, Tomáš, Petr FERFECKI a František FOJTÍK. Výpočtové modelování teplotních polí ve svitcích z drátů a pásů - část 2. ITA spol. s r.o., 2016. [Detail]
BRZOBOHATÝ, Tomáš, Petr FERFECKI a František FOJTÍK. Výpočtová simulace ochlazování válců během procesu válcování s cílem optimalizovat kvalitu vývalku a životnost válců - část 1. ITA spol. s r.o., 2016. [Detail]

Patent, užitný vzor, průmyslový vzor

VYSOCKÝ, Jan, Lukáš PROKOP, Stanislav MIŠÁK, Pavel PRAKS a Ladislav FOLTYN. Systém pro optimalizaci provozu elektrické distribuční sítě. 2020. [Detail]

Poloprovoz, technologie

HÉDL, Radek, Václav HORÁK, Petr KUNETA, Dalibor LUKÁŠ a Miroslav PEŠÁK. SHM systém – poloprovozní ověření. Honeywell International s.r.o., 2016. [Detail]


VYSOCKÝ, Jan, Pavel PRAKS a Ladislav FOLTYN. Software pro optimalizaci provozu elektrické distribuční sítě za abnormálních provozních podmínek sítě a při výskytu poruch v síti. Centrum energetických jednotek pro využití netradičních zdrojů energie, 2020. [Detail]
PALÁČEK, Stanislav. MultiDyn3.0. VŠB-TUO, 2019. [Detail]
BESEDA, Martin, Martin MROVEC a Michal KRAVČENKO. lib4neuro. Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2018. [Detail]
GRAKOVA, Ekaterina, Radim SOJKA, Kateřina SLANINOVÁ a Jan MARTINOVIČ. IT4Innovations implementation of ALNS. Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2018. [Detail]
KOVÁŘ, Petr a Tomáš MICHNA. Handicap. Vysoká škola báňská-Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2018. [Detail]

Kniha nehodnocená

HORÁK, Jiří, Martina LITSCHMANNOVÁ, Tomáš INSPEKTOR, David VOJTEK a David FOJTÍK. Průzkumová analýza dat se zaměřením na GIS statistiku. Ostrava: Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2019. ISBN 978-80-248-4358-2. [Detail]
HORÁK, Jiří, Martina LITSCHMANNOVÁ, Tomáš INSPEKTOR, David VOJTEK a David FOJTÍK. Průzkumová analýza dat se zaměřením na GIS statistiku. Ostrava: Vysoká škola báňská-Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2017. ISBN 978-80-248-4125-0. [Detail]