Workshop on Applied Mathematics – Dynamical Systems
Time: Tuesday, 16th April 2019, 845-1200
Venue: Room NA2, Nová Aula, VŠB – TU Ostrava
Free Registration:
Chairman: Marek Lampart
845 - 945Francisco Balibrea Gallego - Origin, motivation and application of some difference equations
1000 - 1100Juan Luis García Guirao - Periods of continuous maps on some compact spaces
1100 - 1130coffee break
1130 - 1145Radek Halfar - Characterization of cardiac cell electrophysiology model using recurrence plots
1145 - 1200Judita Nagyová - Movement characterization of a model with circular equilibrium
Francisco Balibrea Gallego - Origin, motivation and application of some difference equations
In this talk, I will deal with some difference equations (with their counterpart on discrete dynamical systems) of interest in applications to Population developments, Biology and Art. In particular, I will concentrate in detail with two well-known examples: Lyness equations and logistic non-linear equations with two delays. In the first case, I will deal with the formulation introduced by Coxeter on "frieze patterns". In the second case, I will analyze the effect of food in animals populations.
Juan Luis García Guirao - Periods of continuous maps on some compact spaces
The objective of this talk is to provide information on the set of periodic points of a continuous self-map defined in the following compact spaces: Sn(the n-dimensional sphere), Sn×Sm (the product space of the n-dimensional with them-dimensional spheres),CPn(the n-dimensional complex projective space) and HPn (the n-dimensional quaternion projective space). We use as the main tool the action of the map on the homology groups of these compact spaces.
About invited speakers:
Francisco Balibrea Gallego - is a full professor at Universidad de Murcia, Spain; he is the father of the research group of dynamical systems in Murcia originated in 1987; he is a well-known expert in the field of discrete dynamical systems; he wrote more than 100 papers; he was cited more than 550 times and has H-index 12.
Juan Luis García Guirao - is a full professor at Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain; he is Editor-in-Chief of Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences; he is a well-known expert in the field of discrete dynamical systems, he wrote more than 120 papers; he was cited more than 110 times and has H-index 5.