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Elektronická podpora tvůrčí výuky v oblasti IT a vyhledávání talentů
In previous development projects has been satisfactorily solved the problem of administration of a large number of student work from school subjects to diverse programming, including ways of dealing with plagiarism. Prepared program and methodological solutions are already used routinely in the universities. With regard to all the benefits it provides, the system can be used for further qualitative shift. A suitable direction seems to be talent search by Competitive Learning. The basic idea is to enable talented students to handle the (complex) tasks in addition ("Friday Assignment"), in which talented students can gain significant bonuses for evaluation. Complex tasks usually can not be evaluated only machine, but it should look experienced teacher who can draw attention to the student inappropriate way to deal with. This necessitates the need to ensure that teachers have been cast in the role of timely corrected, an objective and a common methodology - because the work may fix a few teachers. As the next step is the need for evaluation of teachers, which has the form of recommendations for students to publish a feedback. If the expanded system - which will be the intention of the project investigators, it would be possible to compare each other and students from various universities. It is appropriate to propose a widely configurable system that will alleviate the teacher than the administration of renovation work, leading them to renovation according to pre-agreed methodology and to enable the automatic disclosure of non-trivial (ie, even verbal) evaluation results and any recommendations. As a precursor to this system, it appears useful to develop a set of automated tools to check compliance with basic and advanced programming habits (based on analysis of source code as PMD, duck typing, etc.). The solution implemented on a pilot basis in the teaching program at participating schools. We assume that the results will be applicable at other universities, which so interested.
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End year
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Obecná forma
Rozvojové projekty MŠMT
Information system of research, development and innovation (in Czech)