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The Department of Computer Science cooperates with a number of companies and firms not only from the field of Information Technology, but also from other sectors in which modern information technologies play an indispensable role (automotive industry, energy, medicine, etc.). Cooperation with these partners brings a link to modern procedures and technologies used in today's practice and challenges to solve specific tasks. Such cooperation takes place at the level of participation in large scientific research projects or in the form of contract research, grants or custom-made solutions to a specific task.

Another level of cooperation with partners is the support of teaching, both at the material level (provision of equipment, software licenses, etc.) and thematic level (invited lectures, field trips, etc.). Last but not least, cooperation in the realization of final bachelor or diploma theses is highly desirable, where it is possible for a student to implement directly a specific topic led by the company or even to complete a so-called professional practice directly in the operation of the company.

If you are interested in cooperating with our Department of Computer Science, either in any form (contract research, participation in large grant projects, implementation of specific assignments, lectures) or have suitable topics for students' final theses, then do not hesitate to contact a representative of the department management. For major partnerships we are also prepared to offer a connection with our department name, closer links and access to students, mutual promotional support, etc.