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Diploma work

The diploma thesis is a professional publication of the student. The work is evaluated by the supervisor and the opponent. It can also serve as a basis for future professions. Students further develop their work with their professional skills and the art of independent problem solving.

At the beginning of the summer semester of the first year, students choose the topic of the diploma thesis published in the EDISON system. First, they contact the supervisor of the chosen diploma thesis, meet with him and discuss the assignment of the final thesis. Subsequently, the topic is registered in the EDISON system. Students can come to the guarantor of the study program with a proposal of their own thesis topic, who will assess it and possibly recommend a suitable supervisor. From this moment, it is appropriate to actively work on the implementation of the work and communicate with the supervisor of the final work.

During the winter semester of the second year (usually in November), they will pick up the original assignment of the diploma thesis at the secretariat of the Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering. This assignment must be entered officially as the second sheet of the diploma thesis. There are two compulsory subjects associated with the diploma thesis, namely Diploma Project I in the winter semester and Diploma Project II in the summer semester. These courses are completed by credits awarded by the supervisor of the bachelor's thesis. The award of credits is governed by the requirements for the award of credit published in the description of subjects in the EDISON system.

Diploma theses must be entered into the IS no later than the deadline specified on the original diploma thesis assignment. The diploma thesis is also submitted printed and bound in hardcover to the thesis supervisor. Both versions of the final thesis - electronic and its printed version must be identical.

Registration for the final state exam

Students register for the final examination in IS Edison within the term defined in the schedule of the respective academic year. Final examinations take place only at the turn of May and June (regular date) and then in August (corrective date, only for those students who failed the regular date in May). Only those students who have registered for the SZZ, have their bachelor's thesis in the SUBMITTED state, have successfully passed the study control and verified the data in the IS will be enrolled in the SZZ commission.

Final control of the study

By the date specified in the academic year schedule, the student must have all subjects in his OSP in the PERFORMED state. Only credits from these subjects are included in the study control and for the calculation of the merit scholarship. In total, the student must obtain 120 credits for the study. The student must complete all enrolled courses (including optional ones), otherwise he / she will not be admitted to the final examination, even in the case of a sufficient number of credits.

Expected course of the defense

Students will participate in the final examination according to the time schedule, which is compiled for individual commissions and days, see IS Edison. The total time of the SZZ is 50 minutes without preparation, it must not exceed 60 minutes, given by the Study and Examination Regulations in bachelor's and master's study programs. The student arrives about 30 minutes before the allotted time according to the schedule. At this time: The recorder introduces the student to the state commission. The student will receive a total of two questions from the state subjects of SZZ, which are available at the repository SMAK.VSB.CZ. The student prepares answers to questions. During the first 20 minutes of the SZZ: The student defends his diploma thesis. The recorder reads the evaluation of the supervisor and the opponent of the diploma thesis. The remaining time is reserved for questions from members of the commission regarding the diploma thesis. Over the next 30 minutes: The student answers the questions in the order he chooses. The committee will announce the results of the final examination to the students, usually after consultation of the members of the committee after the student has completed all parts of the final examination. The student obtains a total of 3 marks - from the diploma thesis and two state subjects. The mark from the diploma thesis is influenced by the marks from the reviews of the final thesis and especially by the mark for the defense of this thesis. The final grade of SZZ (excellent, very good, good, failed) is determined on the basis of evaluation of individual parts according to the table given in the Study and Examination Regulations for study in bachelor's and master's study programs of VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava. Students who fail the SZZ in June from any part of the SZZ can go to the correction date in August of the given year, or no later than two years from the regular date. If the student does not succeed with the diploma thesis and the committee recommends its completion, the student can submit the revised diploma thesis, usually in July, so that he can go to the final date of the final examination in August. If the commission recommends a new topic of the diploma thesis, it is possible to go to the corrective SZZ only in the following academic year, or no later than two years from the regular date.

Repetition of a year or extension of an examination period

If students do not meet the conditions of the final control of the study, they must submit a written request to the study department to repeat the year or extend the examination period, or graduation. The student can repeat the same year only once. Students who will repeat the final year and have already had any subject enrolled twice, must deliver to the study department. application for the third registration of a subject (maximum two subjects). Courses that are not successfully completed in a given year will be automatically transferred to the new academic year after proper enrollment in the following academic year. Application forms can be found at Students who have not submitted the diploma thesis within the given deadline will submit it only in the repeated year according to the schedule of the academic year. During the winter semester of the following academic year, students can pick up a new original assignment (with a new date of submission of the ZP) from the secretary of the department. Students who can no longer repeat the final year and have not submitted the diploma thesis within the given deadline must submit an application to the study department for an extension of the examination period. These students must submit a diploma thesis by the end of the semester and all subjects must be in the PERFORMANCE state by the day of the study control. SZZ will take part in the next academic year in May / June. Electronic registration for the repeated year Enrollment will take place in the 1st week of September. The condition for electronic registration in the repeated year is your verification of data in IS Edison. Instructions for this verification will be sent by email after the review. You must verify the data no later than the date specified in the schedule for the academic year.