The bachelor's thesis is one of the first major publications created by university students. The thesis is evaluated by the supervisor and the opponent, or only by a consultant upon completion of individual professional practice. It is a ticket to a bachelor's degree. It can also serve as a basis for future professions. Students can further develop their work in diploma or dissertation theses. At the beginning of the summer semester of the second year, students choose the topic of the bachelor's thesis published in the EDISON system. First, they contact the supervisor of the chosen bachelor's thesis, meet with him and discuss the assignment of the final thesis. Subsequently, the topic is registered in the EDISON system. Students can come to the guarantor of the study program with a proposal of their own topic of the bachelor's thesis, who will assess it and possibly recommend a suitable supervisor. From this moment, it is appropriate to actively work on the implementation of the work and communicate with the supervisor of the final work. During the winter semester of the third year (usually in November), they will pick up the original assignment of the bachelor's thesis from the secretary of the Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering. This assignment must be entered officially as the second sheet of the bachelor's thesis. There are two compulsory subjects connected with the bachelor's thesis, namely Bachelor's seminar I in the winter semester and Bachelor's seminar II in the summer semester. These courses are completed by credits awarded by the supervisor of the bachelor's thesis. The award of credits is governed by the requirements for the award of credit published in the description of subjects in the EDISON system. Bachelor's theses must be submitted to IS Edison no later than the deadline specified on the original assignment of the bachelor's thesis. The bachelor's thesis is also submitted printed and bound in hardcover to the supervisor of the bachelor's thesis. Both versions of the bachelor's thesis - electronic and its printed version must be identical.