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Conceptual Design and Development of Innovative Products (CD-DIP)
Start year
End year
Erasmus - IP (Intensive programs)
Obecná forma
Erasmus - IP
The overall goal with this Intensive Programme is to enhance the student's ability in collaborating across disciplinary boundaries in an innovative fashion. At the end of this course the students should be able to: - Cooperate in multidisciplinary team activities; - Operate in a conceptual design process; - Demonstrate interpersonal skills during team development; - Propose and justify the value of new innovative technical solutions; - Conduct disciplinary analysis of a real-life industrial problem; - Present disciplinary analysis to stakeholders with different disciplinary background; - Designs disciplinary interface to other disciplinary products. All students must have either a mechanical, electrical and software engineering background and have around 1 year left of their studies. This course is very untraditional because students are taken out of their conventional class-room environment with substantial portions of teacher-led learning to a real dynamic indus-trial environment with a problem based learning focus course in a multidisciplinary setting. This course will take place during 3 intensive weeks on the site of an industrial organisation where the first week focus on getting from an open idea for a new multidisciplinary product to use innovation to come up with a concept and a prototype. The remaining two weeks will then take that conceptual idea forward to the stage where the actual production process can start. This means that different disciplinary analysis must be conducted and in particular the interfaces between the different disciplines must be agreed upon and described precisely.